  • Fetti Gibbs

    To see whether or not I’m capable.

    I’ve never done such a thing before but Recently I’ve been thinking about constructing a completely fictitious resume and applying to several corporate companies. The job I’m working now is an entry level food service/restaurant positions. But I am curious to see if I could land a response back from a company. Want to see if I have the professional skill set(fake) to garner an offer because I seriously think I do. I swear the only thing holding me back from ever being offered a position in an office is lack of degree and work related experience in that field. I literally have no intentions on ever going to an interview or any contact aside from the application. Anybody ever done this before? Is it illegal?

    Seems like you are ready for Tim Dillon’s brilliant fake business master class:

    Just cut out the middle man, fetti.😎

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Hope u have references that can lie for u or you're f***ed

  • Dec 29, 2020

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    apply with a fake name too

  • Dec 29, 2020

    So many people do this. Just make sure you have somewhat a type of knowledge of certain requirements

  • mishima 😈
    Dec 29, 2020

    You have nothing to lose. Do it.

  • Dec 29, 2020

    If the interview aint f***ing you ever, its the Reference check.

  • Dec 29, 2020

    You really have nothing to lose

    Just whenever you land a job start absorbing info fast

  • the end

    apply with a fake name too

    When you get the job and you gotta explain why there's a different name on the employer's tax form

  • Dec 29, 2020

    corporations have the highest, most unrealistic expectations. These motherfuckers basically ask to get lied to. Go for it.

  • p t ✝️
    Dec 29, 2020

    whatever you do dont fake your education lol blew up in my face