I personally don’t think this is for me but I’ll give some more songs from the thread a listen tomorrow. Just too fast and too much idk
probably listen to the other songs I just wanted to post breathe carolina
The only thing I dislike about hyperpop is that its too vague even for a subgenre, like Sebii is straight up just Pop Rap
I personally don’t think this is for me but I’ll give some more songs from the thread a listen tomorrow. Just too fast and too much idk
its not all fast, last song on op slow af
acting like PC Music isnt a trend
acting like PC Music is all one genre
acting like all of the tracks ITT are similar
Never heard of this term before now but honestly those songs you listed as examples suck, not because you might think I don't understand them, but because they just do. Nobody I know listens to these so no, everyone isn't listening to this now.
Edit: if this ever actually became popular I'll give up on music. I'm not trying to be harsh so don't take this personal if you really like this stuff keep enjoying it.
This style isn't as new as it seems
Japanese pop music has sounded like this for almost 15 years
Stuff like house pop from France or garage pop from UK has had crazy sounds combined with traditional pop structures
A lot of what you hear from "hyperpop" artists is derived is from 90s europop and similar electronic genres
And the label PC Music has been a thing for 7 years now
Artists like Bladee or Ecco2k have mixed that style with rap for 7 years by now
Music always works in cycles, people hop on trends, things get stale, we move on to the next thing and revive old styles at some point
This song is from friggin 2007
This song is from 2010
its kinda like how pop music was 10 years ago, all that Kesha, 30h3 type s***. Thats how ppl are gonna look at hyperpop in 2030
Never heard of this term before now but honestly those songs you listed as examples suck, not because you might think I don't understand them, but because they just do. Nobody I know listens to these so no, everyone isn't listening to this now.
Edit: if this ever actually became popular I'll give up on music. I'm not trying to be harsh so don't take this personal if you really like this stuff keep enjoying it.