I liked the ye album even tho its his worst solo (worst overall excluding KSG) but listening to JIK it sounds like he really cared about the actual music on this album. its still got that kind of minimal raw sound but the songs actually are dynamic and have some interesting concepts
yeah but that's not saying much.
Apart from Shake ye is nothing too special. JIK definitely better than ye.
pnd best part of ye
its facts
maybe with ye and 808s
yeezus pablo and grad blow this s*** out of the water still don't get it twisted
maybe with ye and 808s
yeezus pablo and grad blow this s*** out of the water still don't get it twisted
take the rose tinted glasses off
take the rose tinted glasses off
lol wait till the new album hype wears off
i don't even cape for yeezus that much but its still >>> this album
I don’t think Ye is that bad as a lot of people say. There’s not really any bad songs on the album. For an album that was done at the last minute, it sounds really good. Ghost Town is a damn masterpiece. The biggest issue with the album is it feels like a random playlist rather than a real album. I still enjoy it more than JIK though.