Neither drake or kendrick need to address anything if there is no real or actual proof. There is 0 proof kdot beatin his wife. The fact that drake spent HP6 denying bullshit he didn't have to was his L not kendricks .
Not saying we shouldn’t believe the allegations but it’s clear Drake wanted to go low after Kendrick went low. Also Kendrick had the advantage over Drake because Drake is so public with his life that one can infer he assumed wrong about Kendrick’s family life.
When did Dot go low? In Euphoria and 6:16 in LA he's begging Drake to keep it clean lol
When did Dot go low? In Euphoria and 6:16 in LA he's begging Drake to keep it clean lol
He said Drake didn’t raise his son on Euphoria. Then Drake says “you mentioned my seed I gotta go bad” on Family Matters. But to be fair Drake was already name dropping Kendrick’s girl on Push Ups
why would he address anything?
the only thing he has done ALL this time is post songs lol
plus the boy is getting exposed day by day without kendrick having to do anything tweet isn’t even what the clip says
Social media is crazy lmao
The battle isn’t about addressing allegations lol rap beefs are about dismantling your opponent, that’s it.
they know this, they’re just shifting the goalposts
As a huge Drake fan it baffles me why Drake fan thinks anything needs to be addressed
Kendrick beat Drake, not because of accusations, but because the songs hit harder.
What’s more baffling is Drake wanting Whitney to deny rumours he made up about her
Talk about it.
Never gonna address being an absentee father
Never gonna address preferring Karens but preaching Black wokeness.
Never gonna address momma's baby daddy's maybe.
What’s more baffling is Drake wanting Whitney to deny rumours he made up about her
Then why is he in New York and not with his mixed queen and them babies, or at least the one that he knows for sure is his.?
Abused women tend to deny abuse.
They hired a crisis management team to clean up the fact that you beat on your queen
The picture you painted ain't what it seem,...
Then why is he in New York and not with his mixed queen and them babies, or at least the one that he knows for sure is his.?
Abused women tend to deny abuse.
They hired a crisis management team to clean up the fact that you beat on your queen
The picture you painted ain't what it seem,...
Didn't Dot say he and Whitney split up on Mr. Morale?
Yes it’s not a direct reply but I take just the hook on Not Like Us to effectively be his reply to the allegations. I believe he even has referenced having hit his girl at some point on some BJ the Chicago Kid song from a long time ago but even if he hadn’t (though I personally do think he comes across hella defensive when he got asked about it on breakfast club during the TPAB rollout) but regardless I took it as even if it’s true, it definitely ain’t perceived by most in western society as quite as bad as being a “pdf file” as the internet now calls it, it’s just the reality of the situation. He shoulda left his side of it at family matters and this would’ve at least gone down historically with maybe a small number feeling at least drake went down swinging but I’ve been a legit diehard KTT1 15 year stan of drizzy drake rogers but if we assume every major allegation on both sides are true then it’s like I said. He shoulda decided to go along with one of Kenny’s many verses baiting him into a battle back in the 2013-2015, maybe 2016 era. Instead he waited till his sales (to be fair this is along with all of rap for the most past the last few years) dipped and public perception dipped to decide he wants to make noise by going into full on beef (I do realize Kendrick also had plenty to gain numbers wise by going at him especially along with everybody else going at him but the biggest gets the most criticism and hate, it’s how it’s always been. Plus no matter how much I love Drake it’s clear Kendrick was winning when he said the line on euphoria about we hate the b****es you f*** cuz they confuse themselves with real women, notice I said we, it’s not just me, I’m what the cultures feelin. Feel how you want about whatever the “culture” may exactly be defined to be but whether it’s just to portray a certain image or not, Kenny has admittedly been incredibly successful in cultivating that kind of connection with fans in a way that drake in my opinion has generally (with a few rare exceptions the past few years) failed to make in the same way at least in regards to his music specifically. I’m sure both these guys and most other big artist use bots in some ways to sway public opinion on social media nowadays but I don’t think that makes anything else I’m saying untrue. Again, I truly love drizzly bear but he clearly took the L here whether we want him to have or not. On top of nobody has ever truly thought drake was ever going to actually outrap Kendrick. Funny as it may be at times, Kendrick’s willingness to play with his vocal inflections and tones, pitches, etc along with obviously just his actual flows/cadences make him ultimately a far more interesting rapper to listen to a lot of the times nowadays. Drake can rap his f***ing ass off when he chooses to (though the headie one reference track leak for only you freestyle truly wrecked me cuz it’s one of my favorite rap performances of his ever) but I don’t think in the real world most people believe he’s ever out rapping Kenny. But he does so many other things obviously so consistently in terms of just making different kinds of music that it makes total sense he’s the biggest. I believe Drake is a strong 9/10 rapper or even better when he chooses to be. But I believe Kenny has just shown us repeatedly that he is effectively a 10/10 rapper and he doesn’t have to be conscious all the time and can make bangers (if he chooses, granted again I realize just it being about such potentially “hot tea” about Drake specifically does also give it that much more of a boost but we can’t act like these tracks weren’t incredible even just musically dissing aside). Ok ima stop glazing as the kids say, I swear I thought drizzy really had a shot of winning by the end of my first watch of family matters.. but oh whale I love you all, please don’t send greatdivine after me if she still round here lmao.
DISCLAIMER: I am mad as s*** Kenny didn’t verify his own dumbass with the Joel hale osteen AI/Sixth Sense line when it was Joel Hale Osment. Then he reminds us of the f*** up by whispering the sixth sense reference (I see dead people) at the beginning of not like us which would be so hard cuz he was dead the whole movie but he didn’t realize it yet but no he had to say Osteen. So he’s actually a 9.7 instead of 10 rapper for that.
Pedophile claims outweighs the wife beating stuff.
Like people cock suck Chris Brown who mauled Rihanna to this day. One of the most beloved pop stars of the decade. CB fans just kinda went along with it like "hahaha what goofy moment in his life :)))) but sure can dance!"
Drake has to deal with the allegations and everytime he has talked to any underage it will be looked at with a microscope.
What other "evidence" of it is there besides a 2014 Mediatakeout article that has been debunked? That video y'all keep posting of that woman saying it happened at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino as the only source was debunked because it was discovered that Kendrick and his crew were performing and staying at Aria Resort & Casino at the supposed time of the assault...
Yes it’s not a direct reply but I take just the hook on Not Like Us to effectively be his reply to the allegations. I believe he even has referenced having hit his girl at some point on some BJ the Chicago Kid song from a long time ago but even if he hadn’t (though I personally do think he comes across hella defensive when he got asked about it on breakfast club during the TPAB rollout) but regardless I took it as even if it’s true, it definitely ain’t perceived by most in western society as quite as bad as being a “pdf file” as the internet now calls it, it’s just the reality of the situation. He shoulda left his side of it at family matters and this would’ve at least gone down historically with maybe a small number feeling at least drake went down swinging but I’ve been a legit diehard KTT1 15 year stan of drizzy drake rogers but if we assume every major allegation on both sides are true then it’s like I said. He shoulda decided to go along with one of Kenny’s many verses baiting him into a battle back in the 2013-2015, maybe 2016 era. Instead he waited till his sales (to be fair this is along with all of rap for the most past the last few years) dipped and public perception dipped to decide he wants to make noise by going into full on beef (I do realize Kendrick also had plenty to gain numbers wise by going at him especially along with everybody else going at him but the biggest gets the most criticism and hate, it’s how it’s always been. Plus no matter how much I love Drake it’s clear Kendrick was winning when he said the line on euphoria about we hate the b****es you f*** cuz they confuse themselves with real women, notice I said we, it’s not just me, I’m what the cultures feelin. Feel how you want about whatever the “culture” may exactly be defined to be but whether it’s just to portray a certain image or not, Kenny has admittedly been incredibly successful in cultivating that kind of connection with fans in a way that drake in my opinion has generally (with a few rare exceptions the past few years) failed to make in the same way at least in regards to his music specifically. I’m sure both these guys and most other big artist use bots in some ways to sway public opinion on social media nowadays but I don’t think that makes anything else I’m saying untrue. Again, I truly love drizzly bear but he clearly took the L here whether we want him to have or not. On top of nobody has ever truly thought drake was ever going to actually outrap Kendrick. Funny as it may be at times, Kendrick’s willingness to play with his vocal inflections and tones, pitches, etc along with obviously just his actual flows/cadences make him ultimately a far more interesting rapper to listen to a lot of the times nowadays. Drake can rap his f***ing ass off when he chooses to (though the headie one reference track leak for only you freestyle truly wrecked me cuz it’s one of my favorite rap performances of his ever) but I don’t think in the real world most people believe he’s ever out rapping Kenny. But he does so many other things obviously so consistently in terms of just making different kinds of music that it makes total sense he’s the biggest. I believe Drake is a strong 9/10 rapper or even better when he chooses to be. But I believe Kenny has just shown us repeatedly that he is effectively a 10/10 rapper and he doesn’t have to be conscious all the time and can make bangers (if he chooses, granted again I realize just it being about such potentially “hot tea” about Drake specifically does also give it that much more of a boost but we can’t act like these tracks weren’t incredible even just musically dissing aside). Ok ima stop glazing as the kids say, I swear I thought drizzy really had a shot of winning by the end of my first watch of family matters.. but oh whale I love you all, please don’t send greatdivine after me if she still round here lmao.
DISCLAIMER: I am mad as s*** Kenny didn’t verify his own dumbass with the Joel hale osteen AI/Sixth Sense line when it was Joel Hale Osment. Then he reminds us of the f*** up by whispering the sixth sense reference (I see dead people) at the beginning of not like us which would be so hard cuz he was dead the whole movie but he didn’t realize it yet but no he had to say Osteen. So he’s actually a 9.7 instead of 10 rapper for that.
Yes it’s not a direct reply but I take just the hook on Not Like Us to effectively be his reply to the allegations. I believe he even has referenced having hit his girl at some point on some BJ the Chicago Kid song from a long time ago
Holy f*** you morons are still desperately clinging to that BJ the Chicago Kid song when if you JUST F***ING LISTEN TO THE SONG you'll understand the context and understand he isn't even talking about himself
Yes it’s not a direct reply but I take just the hook on Not Like Us to effectively be his reply to the allegations. I believe he even has referenced having hit his girl at some point on some BJ the Chicago Kid song from a long time ago
Holy f*** you morons are still desperately clinging to that BJ the Chicago Kid song when if you JUST F***ING LISTEN TO THE SONG you'll understand the context and understand he isn't even talking about himself
Hmm fair point may have misunderstood that specifically but I don’t think it changes much about the rest of what I said
Hmm fair point may have misunderstood that specifically but I don’t think it changes much about the rest of what I said
Nigga f*** the rest of what you're saying if you lack the media literacy to understand a simple f***in song like His Pain cause you could never be bothered to even listen to it.
Nigga f*** the rest of what you're saying if you lack the media literacy to understand a simple f***in song like His Pain cause you could never be bothered to even listen to it.
Mah boy, I could literally be the biggest idiot in the world and it wouldn’t change that public opinion has clearly decided Kendrick won and public opinion is the ONLY factor in deciding that specifically