i literally bought an xbox one at the end of february when i got put on house arrest literally perfect timing
so far i beat fallout 4 and put about 70+ hours into it and got my character to level 50. right now im almost done with titanfall 2's campaign. been playing a f*** ton of nba 2k20 online matches too.
prob gonna move on to outer worlds, doom, and then witcher 3 once im done with titanfall 2.
lmao i bought my xbox cuz im about to be put on probation and then all this s*** hits
how is division 2? i bought it a couple weeks ago for 2.99 but still havent played yet
pretty fun so far id prolly enjoy it more if i had more ppl to play with
play newvegas and 3 they're much better games. especially on pc
Thanks bro I have new vegas on gamepass i’ll try it out
Thanks bro I have new vegas on gamepass i’ll try it out
new vegas my favorite game ever
Total War: Warhammer II
Total War: Three Kingdoms
NBA 2K19
Borderlands 3
I'm having a hard time finding the energy or urge to play anything new... but One Piece Warriors 4 dropping next week, then Mount & Blade II (EA), and RE3
I had to hit up DS3 again
After this I might play the Dragon Age trilogy again
then hopefully I can get the KH remaster collection
Thanks bro I have new vegas on gamepass i’ll try it out
new vegas a great game. prob gonna replay it on my xbox one soon havent played it in years since i had my 360
btw titanfall 2 has an amazing campaign thats only 5-7 hours long if any of yall have EA access its on there
Nioh 2