Idk if you like sahbabii, thug, yachty its not that far to get to 100 gecs. Same if you like bladee, lean, ecco2k, gecs are not that weird. And artists like charli xcx, Sophie, Caroline polachek, let's eat grandma, ag cook, there are plenty of people who do this kinda sound so to single out gecs is odd.
Btw Soulja boy invented this sound in 2010 with his song zan with that lean
Idk if you like sahbabii, thug, yachty its not that far to get to 100 gecs. Same if you like bladee, lean, ecco2k, gecs are not that weird. And artists like charli xcx, Sophie, Caroline polachek, let's eat grandma, ag cook, there are plenty of people who do this kinda sound so to single out gecs is odd.
Btw Soulja boy invented this sound in 2010 with his song zan with that lean
! have listened to thug, charli and lean but barely anything, the little i heard didnt click with me if im being honest
Also im not isolating 100gecs randomly, just wanted to check them out bcs of the memes i've seen here and there plus people seem to like them here
Idk if you like sahbabii, thug, yachty its not that far to get to 100 gecs. Same if you like bladee, lean, ecco2k, gecs are not that weird. And artists like charli xcx, Sophie, Caroline polachek, let's eat grandma, ag cook, there are plenty of people who do this kinda sound so to single out gecs is odd.
Btw Soulja boy invented this sound in 2010 with his song zan with that lean
! minecraft to this s*** so crazy
it hurts my head to listen to but i get why they and the scene in general are blowing up
i have listened to thug, charli and lean but barely anything, the little i heard didnt click with me if im being honest
Also im not isolating 100gecs randomly, just wanted to check them out bcs of the memes i've seen here and there plus people seem to like them here
Yea i think if u get past the pitched up emo rapping and take the vocal style for what it is, a loving homage to pop emo, trap and vocaloid, and can endure some of the noisier production choices, songs like money machine, bloodstained, toothless, hand crushed by mallet, f*** teeth are pretty undeniable and unique.
i haven't liked the other songs i've heard
but tbh the Charli remix of ringtone has some great moments
they got some dope stuff, and idek why it clicks with my brain. but hand crushed by a mallet, 800 db cloud, ringtone, 745 sticky all bangers
100gecs is garbage meme music with absolutely 0 substance.
funnily enough this post has no substance either, just buzz words that are meaningless when talking about music
Man said stop listening to Top 40 hits as if 100 Gecs is the next step down
Boy this s*** is at the bottom of the totem pole and if you genuinely like this you are a nut case
you’re the OP of a f***ing G Eazy thread, shut your ass up
I like 100 Gecs but their fans are so defensive for some reason like sorry not everyone is interested in eurobeat trap crunkcore with a hardstyle black metal dubstep breakdown
type of music people force themselves to like because they think its cool or out of the box to do so. its "real music"!!!!! "mainstream is trash"!!!!!!!