  • Mar 19, 2020

    You know, the ones that are definitely coming out of your taxes next year?

  • Mar 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Depends how much do we get

  • Mar 19, 2020

    Depends how much do we get

    A stack

  • Mar 19, 2020

    Save it or buy some quality of life type s***.

  • Mar 19, 2020
    2 replies

    You know, the ones that are definitely coming out of your taxes next year?

    lol better cash it and save it. when the banks start to shut down you'll be glad u did

  • Mar 19, 2020

    Ktt premium for me and my 70 alts 💯

  • Mar 19, 2020
    2 replies
    whippet volverse

    lol better cash it and save it. when the banks start to shut down you'll be glad u did

    I'm sorry, when the what does what now?

  • Mar 19, 2020
    1 reply

    It annoys me how progressive politicians are considered so crazy..
    Yang was adamant about f***ing basic income in respect to incoming automation and unforeseen circumstances such as a pandemic. But they wanted to treat him like a crazy Asian man and say he was a Chinese spy.

    Then Bernie been talking about why we need Medicare for all since f***ing the dawn of time, and the Toby Keith community couldn't stop asking how he was gonna pay for it. Conservatives are a f***ing joke.

  • Mar 19, 2020
    3 replies

    I'm sorry, when the what does what now?

    niggas were predicting a recession even before corona.

    even in only a month's time, theres so many business and individuals living check to check that are gonna shut down and struggle even more bc ppl cant go outside and jobs cant afford to pay them

    very at ‘very real risk’ of falling into recession in late 2020, UCLA forecast says
    PUBLISHED WED, MAR 13 2019

    "just over a year ago, I predicted to CNN Business that a recession in the United States was likely in 2020. Of course, I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that the preconditions for recession were coming into place and that recession risks were rising.
    This may sound incongruous with the unemployment rate hovering near a 50-year low of 3.5%, and a record stock market. There has also been better news on the trade front. President Trump recently called a truce in his trade war with China, and the USMCA trade agreement, which will replace NAFTA, is on track to become law. Indeed, recession worries that were running high just a few months ago have abated.
    But I wouldn't exhale. While recession in 2020 has become less likely, recession early in the next decade remains a serious threat.
    Most significantly, the economy is growing slowly, barely enough to generate the jobs needed to keep unemployment low. The president promised that his large tax cuts to mostly big corporations and high-income households would fuel sustainably stronger growth. They haven't. Instead the nation is struggling with trillion-dollar budget deficits and an increasingly heavy debt load.
    The best way to keep powerful companies in check

    Where Trump went wrong in the US-China trade war

    The US-China trade war hurts American families

    "If the economy were to slow any further, for whatever reason, then unemployment would begin to rise. Once unemployment increases, even from low levels, recession becomes more likely than not. Consumers immediately sense the weakening economy since it means fewer job openings, smaller pay increases and no bonuses. They become more cautious. Businesses see this and pull back further on their hiring. They may even begin laying off workers. Unemployment rises more, and a self-reinforcing negative dynamic — a recession — takes hold.
    This hasn't happened. But it is prudent to be nervous that this vicious cycle could take hold. Despite trade progress with China, there's still debilitating uncertainty created by President Trump's trade war. While businesses may now believe the president won't escalate the war before the 2020 election, they remain unsure what he will do if reelected. Since his trade war has not solved the big problems we have with the Chinese, such as intellectual property protection, cybersecurity and more access to their markets, it is almost certain he will double down on his war should he win a second term."

    "Weekly jobless claims jump to 281,000 ahead of surge in coronavirus layoffs"

    JPMorgan Chase says it will close 20% of its branches because of the coronavirus pandemic

    Earlier this week, Capital One said it was shutting 120 locations for an indefinite period of time.

  • Mar 19, 2020
    1 reply
    whippet volverse

    niggas were predicting a recession even before corona.

    even in only a month's time, theres so many business and individuals living check to check that are gonna shut down and struggle even more bc ppl cant go outside and jobs cant afford to pay them

    very at ‘very real risk’ of falling into recession in late 2020, UCLA forecast says
    PUBLISHED WED, MAR 13 2019

    "just over a year ago, I predicted to CNN Business that a recession in the United States was likely in 2020. Of course, I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that the preconditions for recession were coming into place and that recession risks were rising.
    This may sound incongruous with the unemployment rate hovering near a 50-year low of 3.5%, and a record stock market. There has also been better news on the trade front. President Trump recently called a truce in his trade war with China, and the USMCA trade agreement, which will replace NAFTA, is on track to become law. Indeed, recession worries that were running high just a few months ago have abated.
    But I wouldn't exhale. While recession in 2020 has become less likely, recession early in the next decade remains a serious threat.
    Most significantly, the economy is growing slowly, barely enough to generate the jobs needed to keep unemployment low. The president promised that his large tax cuts to mostly big corporations and high-income households would fuel sustainably stronger growth. They haven't. Instead the nation is struggling with trillion-dollar budget deficits and an increasingly heavy debt load.
    The best way to keep powerful companies in check

    Where Trump went wrong in the US-China trade war

    The US-China trade war hurts American families

    "If the economy were to slow any further, for whatever reason, then unemployment would begin to rise. Once unemployment increases, even from low levels, recession becomes more likely than not. Consumers immediately sense the weakening economy since it means fewer job openings, smaller pay increases and no bonuses. They become more cautious. Businesses see this and pull back further on their hiring. They may even begin laying off workers. Unemployment rises more, and a self-reinforcing negative dynamic — a recession — takes hold.
    This hasn't happened. But it is prudent to be nervous that this vicious cycle could take hold. Despite trade progress with China, there's still debilitating uncertainty created by President Trump's trade war. While businesses may now believe the president won't escalate the war before the 2020 election, they remain unsure what he will do if reelected. Since his trade war has not solved the big problems we have with the Chinese, such as intellectual property protection, cybersecurity and more access to their markets, it is almost certain he will double down on his war should he win a second term."

    "Weekly jobless claims jump to 281,000 ahead of surge in coronavirus layoffs"

    JPMorgan Chase says it will close 20% of its branches because of the coronavirus pandemic

    Earlier this week, Capital One said it was shutting 120 locations for an indefinite period of time.

    Sounds like this would've happened regardless of a virus.

  • Mar 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Sounds like this would've happened regardless of a virus.

    yeah. but its accelerated beyond what ppl were prepared for, even if you were watching s*** like stock markets

  • Mar 19, 2020
    whippet volverse

    yeah. but its accelerated beyond what ppl were prepared for, even if you were watching s*** like stock markets

    Any idea when this will really take into effect and how long it'll last?

  • Mar 19, 2020
    2 replies

    Donating it to Bernie Sanders campaign

  • Mar 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Donating it to Bernie Sanders campaign

    i used to fw bernie heavy but i cant see a way for him to win


    You know, the ones that are definitely coming out of your taxes next year?

  • Finally gonna invest in one of those instagram money flips

  • Mar 19, 2020

    If its like those checks bush sent, isn't our only option to just spend it? Otherwise we'd have to pay hella taxes on it if we save or something. Unless Im wrong on this

  • Buy stock

  • Mar 19, 2020

    One of those premium models

  • Mar 19, 2020
    2 replies

    investing it on more stocks and keep a good sum in the savings.

  • Mar 19, 2020

    Pay my rent

  • Mar 19, 2020

    buy a ps4 and get my license
    rest paying off my credit card bill