He can’t tho and he has nothing to say
He’s never once said anything interesting and has constantly been carried by producers and taste makers
how you hating on acid? everytime i tripped I wanted to be as positive as possible
Smooky renegade tbh
Facts lmao I got no clue what I’m doing with this jit
Luckily with my lifestyle his moms should get full custody pretty easily in a couple years
Hahahaha f***
He's got 1 classic
In what world are at least live.love and ALLA not classics?
Rocky is a dope rapper who makes dope music
Even if his albums are mixed they are better than most rappers albums and each have bangers
He puts new rappers on and popularizes new styles of music
I still listen to ALLA and Testing but keep sleeping
Sidebar: OP is 17 years old with a two year old son. He need to look forward to raising his kid instead of hating on Rocky with just extremely ridiculous takes.
bro are u fr? i thought op was like 26 judging from his posts man u gotta be joking
110% looking forward to a new rocky album, he still has put out records (sundress, tony tone, f*** sleep, praise the lord) that i really rock with.
Last sentence of OP is one of the funniest things ive read on both KTT's
whoever has the baddest chick in the game wearing their chain will always a big figure in hip hop. And right now that's rocky
Facts lmao I got no clue what I’m doing with this jit
Luckily with my lifestyle his moms should get full custody pretty easily in a couple years
My honest answer is because he’s cool and I wanna be like him.
whoever has the baddest chick in the game wearing their chain will always a big figure in hip hop. And right now that's rocky
Sidebar: OP is 17 years old with a two year old son. He need to look forward to raising his kid instead of hating on Rocky with just extremely ridiculous takes.
i respect op even more now
The craziest thing to me is how Live Love is Rocky’s third best project and people won’t let it go
Facts s*** is grossly overrated
Still love it ofc but the nostalgia goggles got folks lookin crazy