N Word debate gotta be the oldest argument on the internet. Bruh just don’t f***ing say it if you’re white and save yourself from looking racist, not every black person feels the same about it so stop using the one black person you’ve met in real life as a voice for all black people
So does this mean you shouldnt sing along at a show either?
Just asking, because I understand where you're coming from but a lot of black artists have co signed non black fans saying the n-word at shows for decades (a notable one being Pac and that viral clip now that cacs always quote)
u one of the biggest clowns on this site my nigga log off
nah bro you first
you can say it if youre quoting.
I once quoted kanye lyrics for an English seminar and I got some weird looks from the black ppl
To reclaim the word? Obviously
Idgaf what some random black people who don’t agree with other black people using it have to say. People do and say s*** against their self interest all the time, willingfully.
Not only that, why are you generalizing for an entire race when clearly the majority of people who are black have no issue of other black peoples use it. Terrible whataboutism
So does this mean you shouldnt sing along at a show either?
Just asking, because I understand where you're coming from but a lot of black artists have co signed non black fans saying the n-word at shows for decades (a notable one being Pac and that viral clip now that cacs always quote)
I mean there’s no way you can hold everyone accountable for that s***. Like if someone says nigga when singing in their car, no one is there to police them. It’s the same in a big ass crowd. Personally if I were white I would avoid it all together. I don’t think it’s really awful in that context but I don’t speak for all blacks people and again, it’s REALLY not hard to not use the word.
People cry because again, they’re excluded and “I have free speech” which basically just means “I should have the right to say things that are offensive with no repercussions.”
Y’all care too much lmaoo
It personally doesn't affect me since I'm white but I don't support it.. other white people who have said the n bomb in front of me always make me cringe and I always assume their idiots
So does this mean you shouldnt sing along at a show either?
Just asking, because I understand where you're coming from but a lot of black artists have co signed non black fans saying the n-word at shows for decades (a notable one being Pac and that viral clip now that cacs always quote)
bro just say killa or brotha something if anything its not that hard to avoid saying it
it doesn't matter who's wrong and who's right
if you aren't black just don't say or at the very least when black people are telling you to stop then stop, it literally does not impact your life meaningfully to stop saying it
no amount of logic can win you this argument
n.igger and flaggot aren’t even remotely comparable in terms of oppressive use but yeah, f*** context lmao
How did 5 people think this was a good point lmao
It’s not their right to decide that. I can say anything and “mean it a different way” but singing along to a song doesn’t mean it’s good or bad, it’s just within context. Why are you tryna assign values to this s*** lol. If you wanna say it, go for it big dog, I can’t stop you from singing My Nigga in your car, just better hope some blacks people don’t pull up next to you at the light
It got like half the site angry at you though
they already angry at him no matter what
It got like half the site angry at you though
Let them be angry idc
They don’t matter in my life