I kinda posted about this in the mental health thread, but I wanted to know who all here took a social media break(s) and benefited from it.
Went on a walk the other day and just realized that I had been on social media for over 10 years of my life now, with no actual break. And I feel like it’s definitely why I’ve been struggling with communication and getting a lot more things done in life, as well as having the constant desire to be seen. So I got rid of them and decided to be more present.
Lowkey felt like another addiction. So I’m trying my best to not go back until at least the end of the month.
What did y’all see that changed once you went off the grid?
Only b**** made n****s take social media breaks
Bruh it’s instagram dawg don’t take it that serious
Only b**** made n****s take social media breaks
Bruh it’s instagram dawg don’t take it that serious
Damn u right. My mental health better b
Only b**** made n****s take social media breaks
Bruh it’s instagram dawg don’t take it that serious
i think it can be an addiction some my friends tried to take twitter breaks by deleting the app from their phone -- they last a week, tops, and then go back to tweeting 3-5 things a day. dunno if ur like that, obviously, but the point is that for some, social media can definitely be an ingrained habit to your daily doings
i ain't off the grid tho. i use ktt2, which is a form of social media, n also i check insta very frequently, though i deleted that tonight gonna try to stay off it a month, both phone + computer, as it's def been a habitual "check this when i'm unsure of what to do w/ my time" kinda thing
however i did basically all but deactivate my twitter/fb profiles. that was a lil over a year ago, n the benefits are honestly what you'd expect over time, you're less inclined to check those media, and as a result you end up focusing more on things that matter to your life, that may kinda suck to do, but are, rationally-minded, more important to you than what SM can provide. for me during that year+, it was college work
and yea i did a lot better during my final quarters than before, n i do think my asceticism toward those social media channels was important to that success.
i'd suggest following thru w/ ur month of a break -- i promise u won't miss a whole lot, espc if the social media in question is s*** like insta/fb. twitter, maybe, cus it tracks world events a lil bit better. but even then, u can catch up on the truly important stuff, of which there'll be not an abundance, imo. there's less big s*** goin on in the world than SM would have u believe.
Idk what could make you "take a break" from social media unless you're literally being harassed.
Just scroll then dip.
Idk what could make you "take a break" from social media unless you're literally being harassed.
Just scroll then dip.
It’s a mentality thing. Mainly enhanced cause I ain’t got s*** to do during quarantine, but the constant scrolling and posting for likes and RTs as some kind of thing to find joy started to really get to me. S*** gets distracting and I need more focus
Insta is the only thing I kept mainly cause of my profession (Acting, photography and modeling) and I’m never on it much besides to post regarding that. But twitter, FB and Snap had to go
i think it can be an addiction some my friends tried to take twitter breaks by deleting the app from their phone -- they last a week, tops, and then go back to tweeting 3-5 things a day. dunno if ur like that, obviously, but the point is that for some, social media can definitely be an ingrained habit to your daily doings
i ain't off the grid tho. i use ktt2, which is a form of social media, n also i check insta very frequently, though i deleted that tonight gonna try to stay off it a month, both phone + computer, as it's def been a habitual "check this when i'm unsure of what to do w/ my time" kinda thing
however i did basically all but deactivate my twitter/fb profiles. that was a lil over a year ago, n the benefits are honestly what you'd expect over time, you're less inclined to check those media, and as a result you end up focusing more on things that matter to your life, that may kinda suck to do, but are, rationally-minded, more important to you than what SM can provide. for me during that year+, it was college work
and yea i did a lot better during my final quarters than before, n i do think my asceticism toward those social media channels was important to that success.
i'd suggest following thru w/ ur month of a break -- i promise u won't miss a whole lot, espc if the social media in question is s*** like insta/fb. twitter, maybe, cus it tracks world events a lil bit better. but even then, u can catch up on the truly important stuff, of which there'll be not an abundance, imo. there's less big s*** goin on in the world than SM would have u believe.
I feel this. Yeah it became a part of my daily routine to constantly be checking on the socials. I barely came back to KTT2 tho, i was active heavy on KTT1 but I fell off here to see if I missed much.
But yeah, I wanna go through with the month so I can develop healthier habits to occupy my time, so when I get back it’s not much of a reflex to scroll on the TL, but to be more productive. Especially in my craft
Idk what could make you "take a break" from social media unless you're literally being harassed.
Just scroll then dip.
nah bro, some people have legit addictions to likes and retweets
they cant last 10 minutes without feening for their phone like a crackhead looking for a fix
Only b**** made n****s take social media breaks
Bruh it’s instagram dawg don’t take it that serious
Only b**** made niggas say s*** like this
Been thinking about taking a break from social media cuz the quarantine got me using it so much