inspired by Twitter being down currently
Twitter is down!
Elon next
Can’t see why I’d ever be itt since JiggaTV is never down
Where do we post when KTT2 is down?
Asking the real question
Where do we post when KTT2 is down?
text me i guess
twitter is back up for me
Where do we post when KTT2 is down?
Jigga tv livestream
inspired by what? go get a job
Saw somewhere it might be related to Anonymous. That true?
Hope it stays down.
I'm lying, I have a p\*\*\* addiction
Ain't you engaged? Get that monkey off your back before you tie the knot
Where do we post when KTT2 is down?
I made a discord but its very small
Stock market down bad and Twitter down? Elons doin somethin
Ain't you engaged? Get that monkey off your back before you tie the knot
Yeeeeah... about that
Doing this on the first day of free agency is nasty work. You will pay in blood Elon
KTT2 be goin down like, every day
Thanks 4 pmo
i love putting people onto things that can destroy their lives
@sab why SabTV is down bruh ?