HAHAHAHA damn kid you got a future writing for SNL with this quick wit!
The free thinkers
no one lives a life free from influence, you're not a free thinker
no one lives a life free from influence, you're not a free thinker
Wow bro you’re so deep
So what happens when you get in a car accident and at suffering from internal bleeding and blood clots. You gonna wait it out? Shutcho dumbass up nigga
Nothing I’ll get my treatment and show me any case where that isn’t true and I’ll show you ppl refusing ambulance rides because of healthcare cost.
Maybe more people are just waking up and you should get with the winning team. But u one of those dudes who thinks anything not socialist is MAGA so neck yourself
Waking up to what exactly? And whatever team that thinks the upper echelon of society is pushing for socialism because they'll gain from it and the democratic party is socialist because they've been forced to feign interest into more progressive ideas is already lost
Nothing I’ll get my treatment and show me any case where that isn’t true and I’ll show you ppl refusing ambulance rides because of healthcare cost.
Wow it’s almost like both systems have problems and you gotta take the good with the bad as with anything in life wow what a f***ing CONCEPT
You are hilarious if you think you’re a free thinker
“I think more people should die than less people dying” - Cookies
“I think more people should die than less people dying” - Cookies
there's nothing wrong with rich people dying
Waking up to what exactly? And whatever team that thinks the upper echelon of society is pushing for socialism because they'll gain from it and the democratic party is socialist because they've been forced to feign interest into more progressive ideas is already lost
You ever read a book called 1984? That’s a socialist society at work. Go check it out champ I’m done schooling you nerds I gotta go re-up
You ever read a book called 1984? That’s a socialist society at work. Go check it out champ I’m done schooling you nerds I gotta go re-up
You dead ass?
there's nothing wrong with rich people dying
There’s nothing wrong with anyone dying. We all die. Why even have healthcare it’s just like a social construct man. Shut yo dumbass up nigga
There’s nothing wrong with anyone dying. We all die. Why even have healthcare it’s just like a social construct man. Shut yo dumbass up nigga
just because you have a 4chan meme as your avi doesnt mean you have to post like a chan reject
just because you have a 4chan meme as your avi doesnt mean you have to post like a chan reject
It amazes me how everyone on this site thinks my avy is from 4chan yet IM the 4chan user. Seems like u know more about the site than I do kiddo
It amazes me how everyone on this site thinks my avy is from 4chan yet IM the 4chan user. Seems like u know more about the site than I do kiddo
"no u"
"no u"
Stop projecting your double life as an alt right neo Nazi onto me. Thanks
Stop projecting your double life as an alt right neo Nazi onto me. Thanks
F*** off