Communism Thread

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    I go to a western canadian uni and somehow both my quebecois and Ukrainian professors are socialists

  • Lein

    I go to a western canadian uni and somehow both my quebecois and Ukrainian professors are socialists

    Maybe I'm a #woke #reverseracist...

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    I go to a western canadian uni and somehow both my quebecois and Ukrainian professors are socialists

    i mean not really that surprising we had bunch of socialist ukranian immigrants before the post ww2 reactionary wave

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    i mean not really that surprising we had bunch of socialist ukranian immigrants before the post ww2 reactionary wave

    Who's we?

  • Lein

    I go to a western canadian uni and somehow both my quebecois and Ukrainian professors are socialists

    Dang that's like 4 of you out here we should have a meeting

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    Who's we?


  • trying to figure out the political affiliations of professors is a classic activity

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    I had one professor who was def socialist - in his one class if students could pay 500 he'd take them to Nicaragua and have dinner/hang out with the Sandanistas

    Another who I think was, only time he ever talked about his own opinion was when he railed against wealth inequality

    Another I thought was a right-winger but one of his research papers was bashing right wing movements

    One fella worked for like every president from like older Bush to Obama, def not a socialist.

    My con law professor was prolly a centrist but mans was a great teacher for sure

  • Choking


  • Synopsis2

    I had one professor who was def socialist - in his one class if students could pay 500 he'd take them to Nicaragua and have dinner/hang out with the Sandanistas

    Another who I think was, only time he ever talked about his own opinion was when he railed against wealth inequality

    Another I thought was a right-winger but one of his research papers was bashing right wing movements

    One fella worked for like every president from like older Bush to Obama, def not a socialist.

    My con law professor was prolly a centrist but mans was a great teacher for sure

    our history teacher was definitely a marxist bc he was among the first to mention materialism and how material conditions affected people in the context of the French Revolution. he would often cut off idealist students and made sure none of that abstract s*** affected our work

    the philosophy dean in our uni apparently was an old school ussr commie academic and rumor has it it was bad news if youre on an exam and the topic of marxism comes up and you dont know your s*** he got hella people out of uni off of that philosophy exam hes a legend. we had another philosophy teacher and she was great at explaining marx and dialectics but I was mostly distracted by how smoking she was so I missed all that

  • Choking

    i mean not really that surprising we had bunch of socialist ukranian immigrants before the post ww2 reactionary wave

    Its surprising because every prominent Ukrainian Canadian is an insane reactionary and quebecois are all annoying petty nationalists

  • Honestly it's getting to the point where I have to disagree with the zionists being just secondary in the western imperialist structure. Their just as much of force of that structure as any else. The power they command is not something you would find in a force that is secondary to western capitalists

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    OTF optimistic man

    Honestly it's getting to the point where I have to disagree with the zionists being just secondary in the western imperialist structure. Their just as much of force of that structure as any else. The power they command is not something you would find in a force that is secondary to western capitalists

    what are you blathering about

    the US is a literal white suprmacist slave empire and israel was made in that image, it doesnt need zionism to be racist or to be an empire lol. stop this antisemitic crap. even the right-wing of Hamas doesnt believe what you're saying.

  • Snowboy

    what are you blathering about

    the US is a literal white suprmacist slave empire and israel was made in that image, it doesnt need zionism to be racist or to be an empire lol. stop this antisemitic crap. even the right-wing of Hamas doesnt believe what you're saying.

    No I don't think I'm being antisemitic when I say that zionists and their interests certainly seem to have a large importance in US imperialism. Isreal does not just end with the US. Their are zionist capitalists in Africa exploiting people. Their a large arm of US empire. I understand that your Jewish but bringing up this importance is not necessarily feeding into the "Jewish Kabal" theory. Which I agree is awful

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    OTF optimistic man

    No I don't think I'm being antisemitic when I say that zionists and their interests certainly seem to have a large importance in US imperialism. Isreal does not just end with the US. Their are zionist capitalists in Africa exploiting people. Their a large arm of US empire. I understand that your Jewish but bringing up this importance is not necessarily feeding into the "Jewish Kabal" theory. Which I agree is awful

    That doesn't really mean its not secondary and no serious marxist has denied Israel being a huge arm of the US empire.

    Israel has always served as a outpost of American/British imperialism first and foremost, the fact that it could also help solve the "jewish problem" for western europeans and also could be tied into galvinizing religious support was an addition.

    The US political class showing mass support for Israel and tying that thru its media apparatus also doesn't mean Israel is calling the shots.

    US leaders will never openly call for ending support for US imperialis, of course in a crisis moment for Israel they are going to continue and crank up how much support they need and bend over backwards.

    But the same would apply to Occupied Korea, GITMO, any NATO base, Ukraine right now

    The only reason Israel seems so forced right now is because its has been a more critical area for imperialists to defend right now, so it just seems like AIPAC is controlling everything and everyone.

    But yes, any US imperialist outpost is going to be "a large arm of an empire". If South Korea was under attack or China took back Taiwain you would also see more propaganda about needing to defend those places and preserve "democracy"

    Also Israel replicating its imperialist overseers and its settler colonial roots by african exploiters is just on par what is expected. Its not anything special, American colonialists also killed off natives and exploited Africans even before they had their revolution. Canada, Austrailia, Germany, etc.

  • teku izing

    That doesn't really mean its not secondary and no serious marxist has denied Israel being a huge arm of the US empire.

    Israel has always served as a outpost of American/British imperialism first and foremost, the fact that it could also help solve the "jewish problem" for western europeans and also could be tied into galvinizing religious support was an addition.

    The US political class showing mass support for Israel and tying that thru its media apparatus also doesn't mean Israel is calling the shots.

    US leaders will never openly call for ending support for US imperialis, of course in a crisis moment for Israel they are going to continue and crank up how much support they need and bend over backwards.

    But the same would apply to Occupied Korea, GITMO, any NATO base, Ukraine right now

    The only reason Israel seems so forced right now is because its has been a more critical area for imperialists to defend right now, so it just seems like AIPAC is controlling everything and everyone.

    But yes, any US imperialist outpost is going to be "a large arm of an empire". If South Korea was under attack or China took back Taiwain you would also see more propaganda about needing to defend those places and preserve "democracy"

    Also Israel replicating its imperialist overseers and its settler colonial roots by african exploiters is just on par what is expected. Its not anything special, American colonialists also killed off natives and exploited Africans even before they had their revolution. Canada, Austrailia, Germany, etc.

    I can agree with this

  • Why are turks like that