  • Okay

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    need this to happen STAT

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    People say we're at a tipping point.

    I think we're already past that.

    The govts might react in a decade.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    pedigree spirit

    need this to happen STAT

    gonna happen slowly and then all at once

    im hoping we draw this s*** out slow as possible so that I can have a peaceful life paying taxes until I die

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Ok. Now what? Now that you've successfully gotten your nihilistic rocks off under the smokescreen of informing ppl on a f***ing Kanye West stan forum, do you have anything meaningful to add to the discourse? Any ways the middle or working class can prepare Or help themselves? Or is it just for "the bantz" as you "ride the Kalli Yuga" from what I imagine is a pretty f***ing comfortable lifestyle compared to most of the world's populous? I'd imagine it's the latter.

    Why are people like you so vitriolic when it comes to info like this? Its like you want to stay ignorant. “Do YoU hAvE aNyThIng MeanIngUl” Niggas like you holding us back

    You know there are plenty of suggestions but you decided to type some bullshit. Eat a d***

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus
    · edited

    People say we're at a tipping point.

    I think we're already past that.

    The govts might react in a decade.

    there's so many possible climate tipping points and those with their finger on the pulse suggest we're mighty close to a few big ones

  • Oct 4, 2022

    there's so many possible climate tipping points and those with their finger on the pulse suggest we're mighty close to a few big ones

    Probably so. I don't doubt it.

    It sucks to see we're probably f***ed but these generations say we can party it out and make our money and die.

    Let the next gen take care of it.

  • Servin fiends in the apocalypse finna be crazy

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    2 replies

    Ok. Now what? Now that you've successfully gotten your nihilistic rocks off under the smokescreen of informing ppl on a f***ing Kanye West stan forum, do you have anything meaningful to add to the discourse? Any ways the middle or working class can prepare Or help themselves? Or is it just for "the bantz" as you "ride the Kalli Yuga" from what I imagine is a pretty f***ing comfortable lifestyle compared to most of the world's populous? I'd imagine it's the latter.

    Having a small solar power source to charge devices, a go bag, a few weeks food/water on site, and plans on how/where to meet up with those you are close to in case of an emergency that causes communications to go out are attainable for all classes.

    Community resiliency will likely be the greatest factor in determining your long-term survival IF s*** goes proper sideways.

    This 100% solar community that endured Hurricane Ian with no loss of power and minimal damage is a great display of what a large community can come together to create.

  • Oct 4, 2022

    i think the collapse already started but it’s a slow process and things will continue to gradually get worse as the decades go by while some poorer nations might break down earlier

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply


    my life is goated in spite of it all

    Pessimism and hoping for the world to end will do nothing. The people working to change the world in positive ways are remaining optimistic while you give up and hope for the end to come. But it won’t. We will figure it out whether you like it or not

  • Oct 4, 2022

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Pessimism and hoping for the world to end will do nothing. The people working to change the world in positive ways are remaining optimistic while you give up and hope for the end to come. But it won’t. We will figure it out whether you like it or not

    Show me where I said I hope the world ends. I desperately want to be completely wrong about all of this. But I don't believe I am.

    And about the people working for positive change...I had a crisis of conscience about my privileged position years ago that led me to where I work now, a homeless shelter. It ain't much, but it's honest work and I see the impact it has in my immediate community.

    Shut up with your cult of optimism. The situation is f***ing dire and there is not much hope to be had. And yet still people persist in helping others. That's beautiful right there. Grim, and so beautiful.

  • Oct 4, 2022
    · edited

    Big man S hit the green light on a remake. RIP to the og thread with 60 pages

    anyway...where were we

    'A disastrous year': Swiss glaciers melt away at record rate

    Switzerland's glaciers lost six percent of their total volume this year due to a dry winter and repeated summer heatwaves, shattering previous ice melt records, according to a report.

    Three cubic kilometres of ice — three trillion litres of water — have melted away, the report said.

    "It's not possible to slow down the melting in the short term," said glaciology professor Matthias Huss, head of Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland, which documents long-term glacier changes in the Alps and is coordinated by the CC.

    Nord Stream rupture may mark biggest single methane release ever recorded, U.N. says

    The ruptures on the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline system under the Baltic Sea have led to what is likely the biggest single release of climate-damaging methane ever recorded, the United Nations Environment Programme said on Friday.

    “This is really bad, most likely the largest emission event ever detected," Manfredi Caltagirone, head of the IMEO for UNEP, told Reuters. “This is not helpful in a moment when we absolutely need to reduce emissions.”

    Researchers at GHGSat, which uses satellites to monitor methane emissions, estimated the leak rate from one of four rupture points was 22,920 kilograms per hour. That is equivalent to burning about 630,000 pounds of coal every hour, GHGSat said in a statement.

    85% of the world's population will live in the grip of stringent austerity measures by next year

    Austerity measures include scaling down social protection programs for women, children, the elderly and other vulnerable people, leaving only a small safety net for a fraction of the poorest. They also include cutting or capping the wages and number of teachers and healthcare workers, eliminating subsidies, privatizing or commercializing public services such as energy, water and public transportation, and reducing pensions and workers’ rights.

    looking more and more like Bowie was right when he predicted the the rock star that would bring about the apocalypse @twinkletoez

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Show me where I said I hope the world ends. I desperately want to be completely wrong about all of this. But I don't believe I am.

    And about the people working for positive change...I had a crisis of conscience about my privileged position years ago that led me to where I work now, a homeless shelter. It ain't much, but it's honest work and I see the impact it has in my immediate community.

    Shut up with your cult of optimism. The situation is f***ing dire and there is not much hope to be had. And yet still people persist in helping others. That's beautiful right there. Grim, and so beautiful.

    You may use your time to volunteer and help people which respect of course but I think for most people doom posting, and encouraging it, does nothing but motivate people to give up. The focus isn’t on what we can do to fix things but rather how f***ed we are and that’s there’s nothing we can do. And so while you might contribute to positive change I feel that on average doomposting does nothing but hurt

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Add to op risk of Putin launching a Nuke

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022

    You may use your time to volunteer and help people which respect of course but I think for most people doom posting, and encouraging it, does nothing but motivate people to give up. The focus isn’t on what we can do to fix things but rather how f***ed we are and that’s there’s nothing we can do. And so while you might contribute to positive change I feel that on average doomposting does nothing but hurt

    It ain't doom posting, it's the reality of our situation. You can ignore it all you like but typically you want to be keyed into a situation so you can accurately understand the nuances of it and react accordingly. (there is obviously a fine line to walk, reading fear-mongering articles for hours is worthless, but spending 5-10min every other day checking in on a few reputable sources? ezpz)

    People need to know it might get rough, and that there are simple practicable things they can do to better their odds of surviving and even thriving amidst the turmoil.

    Negative visualization has been shown time and time again to be a better motivator than positive visualization. Even the Buddhists were on that s***. I also love their idea of non-attachment to a noble goal. That you can pursue something noble despite not knowing if you will succeed. Because the success is in trying.

    I ain't a crab in the bucket dog, no matter how much you want me to be. We prospering until the end because living is some punk s***, and to give up would be pathetic.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Add to op risk of Putin launching a Nuke

    still cant imagine nukes going off but f*** it why not

  • Oct 4, 2022

    So whats a better word

    impending doom....incoming

  • Oct 4, 2022


  • Oct 4, 2022
    2 replies

    still cant imagine nukes going off but f*** it why not

    There’s a talk that he might use tactical nuke on Ukraine open field to show that’s he’s not bluffing

    I hope that never happens but when a person like him is cornered, you don’t know what to expect.

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    There’s a talk that he might use tactical nuke on Ukraine open field to show that’s he’s not bluffing

    I hope that never happens but when a person like him is cornered, you don’t know what to expect.

    how long till that b**** nigga croak

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Thank you god S
    !dream Micheal Angelo painting of a subterranean god who is named Scott. Shining bright like a diamond. Shine bright like a diamond.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    There’s a talk that he might use tactical nuke on Ukraine open field to show that’s he’s not bluffing

    I hope that never happens but when a person like him is cornered, you don’t know what to expect.

    frfr all bets are off almost

    can only hope theres some chain it has to go thru and that someone says f*** you on some Petrov s***

  • Oct 4, 2022

    we living in revelations