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  • May 7, 2020

    Someone on here a few months ago said “if you don’t support Black Lives Matter then you shouldn’t be listening to rap music”

    Hit me deep

  • May 7, 2020

    No worries fam!!! I completely understand where you’re coming from, and I agree it’s a damn shame. I just want you to still have some faith in this world and know people care about the black struggle

    Thank you this really does make me feel better ❤️

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I dont know how true this is when the black struggle is really interwoven in the music, you get what I mean?

  • Maybe less so these days

  • May 7, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Yep black people in America have to learn how to infiltrate the system like the Jews. When you have a hand in power in the most powerful institutions your voice will be heard and things will get done.

    Granted the Jews were white so it was easier for them..but still there are things to be taken away from it.

    Need more black cops, DA’s, lawyers...


    This country was built on racism

    The lawyers, doctors, senators, CEOS, directors, policemen, high ranking military influencers, judges, label owners, publications & damn near everything is predominantly white

    Most of those positions are held by racist white people from the mid 1900s

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    This sounds like the racist rhetoric the white christian republicans push

    How is it racist?

    Are you Jewish?

    How is saying a ethnic minority group is powerful and get their wants taken care of because they focused on getting position of power racist?

    Believe it or not, black people in the United States have no political or economic power. At least not enough to have issues pertaining to them. If more black people started trying to strive for positions of economic and political power (cops, DA, lawyer, financial advisors and other jobs in the finance industry...) you would see things start to change for black people in America.

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I dont know how true this is when the black struggle is really interwoven in the music, you get what I mean?

    What does this even mean

    They can listen to the music and not support or acknowledge the black struggle

    Just like how Music section threads have hundreds of pages but the Ahmaud thread has 13

  • May 7, 2020

    There has been a couple threads about "which rapper would be the first to get corona". And a couple threads joking about rappers dying with the virus. From the avis to the blatant disrespect its obvious the lives of black entertainers is like a meme to most of the posters here.

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    Seriously when it’s time to say nigga on the internet, dress like Kanye West/Chief Keef, pretend to be associated with the streets & discuss black music everyone can’t seem to f***ing help themselves

    But when those same black people that everyone seems to idolize are being gunned down by police & systematically oppressed you rarely see POC helping with the f***ing movement

    Are black just here for entertainment? Is that all we are to society ? Just entertainers, influencers, trendsetters for fashion & urban/pop culture ??????

    What's your opinion on black music artists that don't really get involved in helping the cause or rarely discuss anything regarding our struggle

  • May 7, 2020
    2 replies
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Yeah but they control everything in this country because they knew how to play the game. Italians weren’t viewed as white and were lesser until they infiltrated the system...

    From entertainment industry to financial industry to the fashion industry Jewish people got a lock on it.

    Jews got white Christian folks kissing their feet and doing their bidding do their collective power. Best believe if black people started gaining some collective power white cops wouldn’t get away with killing black people in the streets and other things of the like..

    when black people have gained collective power in the past, what happened?

  • Sunny Sun

    What does this even mean

    They can listen to the music and not support or acknowledge the black struggle

    Just like how Music section threads have hundreds of pages but the Ahmaud thread has 13

    Idk tbh

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    What's your opinion on black music artists that don't really get involved in helping the cause or rarely discuss anything regarding our struggle

    They’re part of the problem

    I think most big artists don’t speak on those issues because of how people of other cultures and backgrounds are now intergrated in hip hop culture/black art

    Hip hop/black music has become so diverse the average fan is white or POC

    Some artists are more focused on potentially alienating/losing their fans than the community

  • May 7, 2020


  • May 7, 2020

    yeah obviously

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    when black people have gained collective power in the past, what happened?

    Civil rights movement happened. That can be considered the peak of the black middle class in the USA. I know black people have gained more wealth since then but the unity, mindset of upward mobility, and taking care of our own is completely gone. Crack era did away with that..

    I know about black wall street and what happened in rosewood Florida but niggas wouldn’t allow stuff like that to happen now... too many guns

  • Kengi 💭
    May 7, 2020
    2 replies

    This is just an outsiders perspective but I think a lot of people care about black issues. White people wouldnt listen to it if they wouldnt care. It is just the people in charge who dont.

    Also wouldnt it be worse if people werent listening to Hip Hop at all cause you would loose your voice in a way. Not that it helps much but many people in Europe wouldnt know about the situation of black people without hip hop.

  • May 7, 2020

    when black people have gained collective power in the past, what happened?

    Lol they were f***ing killed or labeled terrorists (Black Panther party)

    People don’t even know about the Black Wall Street Massacre

    They were a group of successful black entrepreneurs and business owners that were slaughtered by the KKK for just for being successful

  • May 7, 2020

    It’s a sad state

    Just Look at tik tok. White suburban girls getting 40 million hits for a 6 sec video of them doing a dance created by black people off the streets of Atlanta

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Please don’t put all whites in a box and think that all of us only care about black entertainment and not their struggle. I promise we’re not all like that and monitor, very closely, the struggles that the black community have here in America.

    It’s the very least we can do to give back to the community that’s given us so many positive things whether it be culture or music

    The majority of Y'all ain't give af about us untill decades after desegregation (1964)

    Pretty much most y'all didn't start caring till we started becoming some of the greatest entertainers on the planet

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    They dont even teach black history in most schools

  • May 7, 2020

    This is just an outsiders perspective but I think a lot of people care about black issues. White people wouldnt listen to it if they wouldnt care. It is just the people in charge who dont.

    Also wouldnt it be worse if people werent listening to Hip Hop at all cause you would loose your voice in a way. Not that it helps much but many people in Europe wouldnt know about the situation of black people without hip hop.

    Nah we just have more of a voice now thanks to how quickly information moves thanks to social media

  • May 7, 2020

    It's quite embarrassing to see society behaving this way, vulturing off black culture and treating it as some zoo. Add to the fact some of them aren't friends or around with black people

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    MM6 Moka

    They dont even teach black history in most schools

    Yeah they do. They teach us bout the woman who sat on the back of the bus and the guy who made a bunch of stuff with peanuts

  • May 7, 2020

    This is just an outsiders perspective but I think a lot of people care about black issues. White people wouldnt listen to it if they wouldnt care. It is just the people in charge who dont.

    Also wouldnt it be worse if people werent listening to Hip Hop at all cause you would loose your voice in a way. Not that it helps much but many people in Europe wouldnt know about the situation of black people without hip hop.

    Bruh thats kinda the problem people should be aware of the tradgedies going we been havin these problems since the country started but everybody only care now that they can dance to it

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    Yeah they do. They teach us bout the woman who sat on the back of the bus and the guy who made a bunch of stuff with peanuts

    Dont forget that one guy with the dream

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