I love Hispanics. I love everyone. I've had close friends from all backgrounds. Some of my closets friends were white. I was recently dating a Puerto Rican woman. Before that, a Jamaican woman. I don't want anyone to misconstrue what I'm saying.
Im just saying that I'm not stupid blind or deaf. It's blatantly right in front of all our faces. Hispanics in general will put a white woman on a pedestal and talk s*** about black woman.
Call me a lie
Aren’t you half white tho
Don’t forget they’re putting Mexicans in f***in cages like some f***in zoo animals
It’s 2020 and we think we’ve come so far but we really haven’t
White people hate all of us because it’s starting to become more of us and less of them.
Attacking white people at the end of your post doesn’t help.
Where did I attack white ppl In that post
Don’t forget they’re putting Mexicans in f***in cages like some f***in zoo animals
It’s 2020 and we think we’ve come so far but we really haven’t
White people hate all of us because it’s starting to become more of us and less of them.
“more of us and less of them.”
All us minorities need to build each other up
Seen a lot of racism towards each other and it saddens me to see that
That’s what they want. To see us fight each other so they can remain in power and control us.
We need to love each other
Why arent there more black people in Information Technology? Theres so much money, options, resources and freedom in IT. you dont need college. just dedication good work ethic good attitude and hard work but every step is worth it. i feel as though that would solve a lot of "black issues" and empower people to think more like individuals who dont need these fake black leaders to sway blacks in a stupid direction. im just thinking out loud
I love Hispanics. I love everyone. I've had close friends from all backgrounds. Some of my closets friends were white. I was recently dating a Puerto Rican woman. Before that, a Jamaican woman. I don't want anyone to misconstrue what I'm saying.
Im just saying that I'm not stupid blind or deaf. It's blatantly right in front of all our faces. Hispanics in general will put a white woman on a pedestal and talk s*** about black woman.
Call me a lie
Most people around me I noticed put White chicks on the pedestal while making fun of black girls even though they’re heavily into hip hop and sports
It’s very stupid lmao, I get people have preferences just found this to be strange and lowkey disrespectful
Where did I attack white ppl In that post
pointing out any of their faults is offensive to them at this point
Aren’t you half white tho
I'm part white. I'm also part Mexican and native American. But overall I'm black. One of my great grandfather's was white. He fell for my great grandmother in the early 90's back when it was taboo. So when my grandmother was conceived she was born a b******.
He still left her money when he passed so it ain't all bad
All us minorities need to build each other up
Seen a lot of racism towards each other and it saddens me to see that
That’s what they want. To see us fight each other so they can remain in power and control us.
We need to love each other
At the end of the day we're all brown ✊🏾
I'm part white. I'm also part Mexican and native American. But overall I'm black. One of my great grandfather's was white. He fell for my great grandmother in the early 90's back when it was taboo. So when my grandmother was conceived she was born a b******.
He still left her money when he passed so it ain't all bad
Have the same energy you have here when you visit your white side of the family den.
At the end of the day we're all brown ✊🏾
Brown Pride, brown love, always brother 💯
All us minorities need to build each other up
Seen a lot of racism towards each other and it saddens me to see that
That’s what they want. To see us fight each other so they can remain in power and control us.
We need to love each other
It’s mainly other minorities perpetuating racism towards black people. Darker skinned folks are treated like s*** in South America, Central America, and the asian continent
Only a small minority of black folks online s*** on other minorities. While other minorities s*** on black people outside of it and on it.
Put yourself in our shoes. For centuries your family was beaten and raped and forced Into the most brutal form of slavery. They were treated like livestock. They free your relatives only to still treat them like s***. Still raped them. Still killed them. Completely dehumanize and destroy their destroy their reputation. They were taught that they were genetically inferior. That they would never be as smart or strong as a white man. they ain't worth s*** Can't sit next to white ppl. Can't talk to white ppl. Can't drink from the same f***ing water fountain. And for the record this wasn't that long ago. THIS WAS MY MOM'S GENERATION. Ok. So we finally desegregate. Still.... We had to fight for the right to be f***in janitors. Cool.
On some good vs evil s***,
The color white is taught to be the color of light. The good side. The color black is taught to be the color of evil. The bad side ....
That's what we're taught we are. "Don't be surprised when wypipo turn a blind eye"..... Why would we be surprised? They done it for hundreds of years.... Martin Luther King stood up for us. Not some white man. And the United States of America labeled him the NUMBER ONE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA AND KILLED HIM .....
Multiple times I scored top in my school when it came to like end of grade tests. Didn't matter. I'm still just a nigga to the white kids.
Parents pray their children marry a white man. Parents with disown their children for even dating a black man.
My great great grandmother was raped and killed in the woods by a white man in front of her children. not a single person gave a single f***.
But we're the ones considered the bad ppl.
We created country jazz blues rock n roll and now hip hop. All of it. Stolen from us.
But we're too stupid. We're inferior right?
C'mon man. Only reason white ppl are even standing up now is because it trends on Twitter.
They look at us like PETA looks as abused animals
So would you say you've suffered as much as your ancestors did?
what is the solution you propose?
Honestly don’t know the answer to this one bigdog. I would say hopefully the next generation will eliminate negative stereotypes for all people but it’s something that’s passed down.
We need to stop gaslighting people and actually listen to what they have say to work towards any solution
Don’t forget they’re putting Mexicans in f***in cages like some f***in zoo animals
It’s 2020 and we think we’ve come so far but we really haven’t
White people hate all of us because it’s starting to become more of us and less of them.
Black people and white people a like didn't give two flying s***s about this
And this is worse than some dude getting shot while running away from police in a high speed pursuit but don't let em hear you say that
Black people are discriminated against in every corner of the world, even amongst ourselves (colorism, crab mentality, etc). I don't think i'll see a change, not in my lifetime atleast.
Black people and white people a like didn't give two flying s***s about this
And this is worse than some dude getting shot while running away from police in a high speed pursuit but don't let em hear you say that
Ironically, it’s a practice that was actually started by our first black president
Ironically, it’s a practice that was actually started by our first black president
Yup, and before anyone tries to disagree with this fact I’ll just drop this here