In all honesty i should stay the f*** away from stuff and alcohol. I never tried anything of it (yes i never tried alcohol) but if i do i will hit rock bottom instantly. I just have a feeling that i am very easily hooked on stuff like that. If soda does this s*** to me idk what i will be after...
You tried diet sodas?
In my country there is nothing in that department besides pepsi light and cola zero or something like that. Both suck ass. I don't even like regular coke or pepsi.
stopped drinking it senior year of hs, one of the best decisions i’ve ever made
edit: actually read OP
im not in life sxn for soda fanfic
I swapped to diet sodas for the most part.
That and Monster because they usually have like 10 calories or something.
I throw a regular one in every now and then
This is me when im on my Soda phase. Not good...
Begone f***ing furry
i drink a lot of flavored sparkling water now (a bottle a day basically). s*** does a good job of keeping me away from soda
i'm not actively trying to stop drinking soda tho (even though i probably should because my health is awful)
Im not even joking. Been off this s*** for 3 months. Couldn't hold myself, bough Dr.Pepper with Cherry and f***ing moaned while i was drinking it. The feeling of it... The taste... FUhK Boy
Couldn't resist, bought candy soda next day... FUHK Baby it's so sugary it's so sweet...............
Guess f***ing what.... Today ive been drinking 7UP....
I just don't know how th efuck. I just can't resist. I just love it. Love it so much. The funny thing is i don't even like sugary stuff. I always decline if someone offers me a cake or ice cream or something. I don't give a f*** about that. I can live without that i don't care. But all of this drinks... F***... Oh yeah baby.... i can't resist this s***...
Im white and skinny if that matters. Get tested for diabetes every 6 months. Im totally good.
You type like one of ya arms way bigger than the the other
Begone f***ing furry
Nah i meant the aesthetic and mood. I don't want to be a fox or something that's weird. Actually i knew a girl who were into this s*** and she used to draw it and it were mildly innocent times in 2014 so nobody knew what she was up to and what she was drawing. Only i knew. She was an outkast and i remember i sat with her, made 1 f***ing sound and she snapped on me. Afrter that i realised why no one likes this weird ass b****. She wasn't ugly or fat doe.
honestly don't think i could just stick to water and water only. water is aight but ain't no way i could just drink that s*** only for the rest of my life
I stopped drinking it and it cleared up my skin so much but just having one taste at a restaurant on a whim made me start again
sugar is an addiction man
try having sparkling water instead
the carbonation could help satisfy the craving w/ much less sugar intake
a few years ago i quit pop for an entire year and might’ve never drank it again then almost died so i’m like okay i can have a few pops here and there i shouldn’t feel bad about it
I only really drink pop when I’m at a restaurant. Stick to Gatorade zero at home. Used to drink pop 99% of the time.