-The Solomons are internally divided, the main island holds the majority of the population and therefore the power in that country meanwhile the Malaita island inhabitants despise them and wants independence
-The US gave the rebel island 25 million dollars in 2020
-In 2021, when the Solomons decided to stop recognition of Taiwan as a real country, the people of the rebel island came to the main one and rioted, almost overthrew the government too. Notice a random flag here.
-2 weeks ago, the current PM of those islands announced a security deal with China that would allow them to place a base there. Just so you know, if that happened then Beijing would be able to cut off the US from Australia as these islands stand right in the middle of a strategic route between the 2 countries
-News came out saying the chinese could put a base there in ~4 weeks, so 2 weeks away from now
-Australian PM said a chinese base there is a "red line" and would not happen no matter what, US state dept said that military response is not off the table (!!!). PM also refused to comment on if a naval blockade would be off the table too.
Keep an eye on this one, it's probably going to heat up next week. Riots are pretty much guaranteed, what remains to be seen is if the australians and americans react and what would be China's response to that.
Also just so you know, obvious US govt shills aka Atlantic Council members have gone to Australia in the recent days. Bruno Macaes (huge shill), the same guy who was in Ukraine before s*** went off, is there right now.
I also have updates for this
Big foreign policy failure, really bad timing liberal government due to a election happening next couple weeks and then supposedly the ones which were supposed to be tough on China
Nice man thanks for posting this, I remember I made a thread in here when the riots first happened. Didn’t know they got funded by the US
Nice man thanks for posting this, I remember I made a thread in here when the riots first happened. Didn’t know they got funded by the US
yeah the whole point of they doing now is to protect those bases since they were getting destroyed, Australia f***ed up so hard by neglecting these countries
Our media is becoming more and more anti China mass hysteria is coming to this country
yeah the whole point of they doing now is to protect those bases since they were getting destroyed, Australia f***ed up so hard by neglecting these countries
Our media is becoming more and more anti China mass hysteria is coming to this country
australia is the imperial cores first line of offense in the south china sea and it looks like its gonna heat up in the next decade
praying it doesn't come to war
Solomon Islands should be able to exercise their right to self determination even if I don't like what they'll do with it
Quad agreement meeting this week with the new Australian PM let’s see what happens
Welp PM Morrison is already out the door Wow they timed that well
And looks like this isn't the only security deal China is negotiating
China is intensifying its drive for influence in the Pacific by negotiating security deals with two additional island nations following a pact with the Solomon Islands, according to officials in the US and allied countries.
Beijing’s talks with Kiribati, a Pacific island nation 3,000km from Hawaii where US Indo-Pacific Command is based, are the most advanced, the officials said.
Welp PM Morrison is already out the door Wow they timed that well
And looks like this isn't the only security deal China is negotiating
China is intensifying its drive for influence in the Pacific by negotiating security deals with two additional island nations following a pact with the Solomon Islands, according to officials in the US and allied countries.
Beijing’s talks with Kiribati, a Pacific island nation 3,000km from Hawaii where US Indo-Pacific Command is based, are the most advanced, the officials said.
it was election day yesterday so yep, PM Albanese will head over to meet with Quad this week