So how am I 27 but born in '96 if these kids/children/juniors/brats are already 25 I must be older surely
Because your birthday hasnt passed yet
You will turn 28 later this year most likely
math not addin up
Thats me
Stay in school and pay attention in math
Yea we old lol
that’s how time works
doublecheck your birth certificate, you might've been born in 97
Op a zoomer
kids in 2016 already have a drivers license
This is what happens y’all use calculators instead of your brains
Crine OP dumb as s***e
I have no idea how you made it to 27 honestly that's a good question
Man I remember when I thought 25 was old lol
OP born in '96 but stupider than these kids/children/juniors/brats that are 25
Public school failed op so hard
Tripped me tf out finding out some of my co-workers were born in 2000. I'm not even much older, but Idk, it just always feels weird to think that they're adults now