Even on the useful ones you find a lot of people who just don't know how to talk to each other without coming off as pretentious douches or plain pieces of s***
My ass has been lurking on reddit for 8 years no point in posting or commenting lol
@lemonadee I hope there is no bad blood between me and you, I apologize if I came off like an a******.
@lemonadee I hope there is no bad blood between me and you, I apologize if I came off like an a******.
not at all lol dw
what type of posts your sister making
This s*** a troll thread
The picture was a normal selfie.
0 threads, 0 folllowers
Huh? KTT threads and followers matter? It’s a forum Lmao or are you that delusional. Go make some money fam
I thought this reddit got banned when it was trending on Twitter last year? Wtf.
Sorry to hear that g. People are terrible
Huh? KTT threads and followers matter? It’s a forum Lmao or are you that delusional. Go make some money fam