This song alone is better than anything Eminem dropped the last 10 years
song is trash, Eminem putting out way better material back in 2020 then your favorite rappers discography
song is trash, Eminem putting out way better material back in 2020 then your favorite rappers discography
eminem in 2020 is not making a better song than hun43rd lol and i ain't even a rocky d***sucker lol
i agree i don't think it affects his status as an all-time great but cmon man you can't keep doing this lmao
eminem in 2020 is not making a better song than hun43rd lol and i ain't even a rocky d***sucker lol
you are indeed a rocky cock sucker
you are indeed a rocky cock sucker
no but you are an idiot that's definitely clear
no but you are an idiot that's definitely clear
you are indeed a rocky cock sucker
Why do yall hate Em so much? I can understand hating on Revival/Kamikaze but his last album was aight and the deluxe was good. Has it just become meme-ified to hate on anything he does like Chance or Cole?
Album is garbage just like the majority of his output post encore. Dude can rap but says mad corny s*** and can’t pick a beat or make a good song to save his life
Album is garbage just like the majority of his output post encore. Dude can rap but says mad corny s*** and can’t pick a beat or make a good song to save his life
^ hater
^ hater
Please show me a good Eminem song that came out on the new album/deluxe
Please show me a good Eminem song that came out on the new album/deluxe
Concept is good
Are you listening to it for enjoyment/inspiration/etc though?
lol at wasting ones time discussing music with these weirdos
Take Eminem d*** out your mouth and show me this music you defending
Concept is good
Are you listening to it for enjoyment/inspiration/etc though?
lol at wasting ones time discussing music with these weirdos
"y'all weirdos I can't discus music with"
Also Eric
"this song is trash"
You're obviously not the example of someone who knows how to have great discourse about music (in agreement or disagreement)
I mean it’s got a purpose but I can’t relate to a thing going on in this song lol production delivery and flow are ass and it’s a very surface take on depression
Like as in dr dre taking him into the woods and doing this?
Dr tenma attempting to kill johan liebert
I mean it’s got a purpose but I can’t relate to a thing going on in this song lol production delivery and flow are ass and it seems like a very surface take on depression
Concept is good
Are you listening to it for enjoyment/inspiration/etc though?
The hook sounds great at least, kinda reminds me of old Em
And the fact he managed to stay on topic for an entire song
I mean it’s got a purpose but I can’t relate to a thing going on in this song lol production delivery and flow are ass and it’s a very surface take on depression
Understandable, I don't think it's meant to be a relatable song