  • On once an addict

    He raps “ mama cursing me out
    Depression's such a villainous state
    I used to stay out later on purpose
    Subconsciously I was nervous that if I came home early then what would surface was her inner demons
    And then I'd have to end up seein' my hero on ground zero
    Tears flow while Al Green blow
    Love and happiness”
    then on power trip

    He sings “got me up all night, all I’m singing is love songs, got me up all night constant drinking and love songs”
    Just dope I don’t know if he did the call back on purpose or if that’s actually how he coped with heartbreak by doing what his mom did. Either way goat rapper two goated albums

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    you on to something. that would be a dope question to ask, like if the story on power trip was inspired by his moms experiences or if that’s actually him going through something similar she did cause he also used to drink a lot

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    you on to something. that would be a dope question to ask, like if the story on power trip was inspired by his moms experiences or if that’s actually him going through something similar she did cause he also used to drink a lot

    Yup, Mind you these two songs came out years apart one where he was chasing the metaphorical top and the other when he was married and made it and unpacking his trauma. So it’s interesting to see if it was this moment in his life that inspired one of his biggest songs and iconic hook. Used to sing along to this s*** not knowing the kind of situation that might have inspired it.

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Yup, Mind you these two songs came out years apart one where he was chasing the metaphorical top and the other when he was married and made it and unpacking his trauma. So it’s interesting to see if it was this moment in his life that inspired one of his biggest songs and iconic hook. Used to sing along to this s*** not knowing the kind of situation that might have inspired it.

    yea it makes you wonder because power trip came out while he was still in a cloud of enjoying his lifestyle (drinking and partying all the time, enjoying life at the top) and once an addict after he realized his addiction to that lifestyle in 2015, so maybe he didn’t even realize where that inspiration for power trip came from when he wrote power trip or maybe he did or maybe he and his mom just had a shared experience he didn’t expand on further?
    nah you mighta did something brother

  • Valentine

    yea it makes you wonder because power trip came out while he was still in a cloud of enjoying his lifestyle (drinking and partying all the time, enjoying life at the top) and once an addict after he realized his addiction to that lifestyle in 2015, so maybe he didn’t even realize where that inspiration for power trip came from when he wrote power trip or maybe he did or maybe he and his mom just had a shared experience he didn’t expand on further?
    nah you mighta did something brother

    Thank you that’s exactly what I was
    Trying to convey real