I can see why people say this but outside of a couple tracks I don’t really hear the Stevie influence.
On Songs in the key of life Stevie had vastly better song writing and subject matter wise he touched on things frank never has.
I can see why people say this but outside of a couple tracks I don’t really hear the Stevie influence.
On Songs in the key of life Stevie had vastly better song writing and subject matter wise he touched on things frank never has.
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=se0g2f5Ub0A!https://youtube.com/watch?v=pEoE2UQXduATrue. Frank's most insightful song was about p**** meanwhile Stevie was getting in his black educator and aspiring revolutionary bag
i can see the parallel
I can see the parallel ??? He bite that album bar for bar word for word 😂😂😂😂
True. Frank's most insightful song was about p**** meanwhile Stevie was getting in his black educator and aspiring revolutionary bag
Franks most insightful song was about how society’s treatment of black women has changed from queens to strippers through the motif of them working at pyramids one such being the actual pyramids and one being a strip club
Franks most insightful song was about how society’s treatment of black women has changed from queens to strippers through the motif of them working at pyramids one such being the actual pyramids and one being a strip club
Welp time to listen to Blonde
Frank wishes he had the talent Stevie has in his f***in toenail bro. Frank would probably freely admit this too. We’ve had this discussion a,easy when that dumbass nigga moody made a thread saying Frank was capable of making a Summer Soft