this box can’t be beat
millions of people agree
~ Are you with me Doctor Wu
Are you really just a shadow
Of the man that I once knew
She is lovely yes she's sly
And you're an ordinary guy
Has she finally got to you
Can you hear me Doctor ~😎
most of sade music great for the car tbh (but specifically lovers rock and love deluxe are my go-to albums)
all of future’s music lol, beast mode 1+2 and the wizrd are always in rotation in my car
all of lucki’s music (but especially the freewave 3 - days b4 iii - almost there stretch of tapes, they were basically made to listen to in the whip lol)
all of keefs music lmao
drip or drown 2 - gunna is great in the car
the ooz - king krule is also fantastic in the car
(also a new place 2 drown by him under his real name)
whole lotta red - carti of course
(bolded what i think u should peep first if you aren’t already familiar)