Basically every one hit wonder is weird asf.
Like how were people not tired of that nas x song after 2 weeks?
Basically every one hit wonder is weird asf.
Like how were people not tired of that nas x song after 2 weeks?
he isn't a one hit wonder
he isn't a one hit wonder
Yeah bad example but he still blew up with one song out of nowhere
Basically every one hit wonder is weird asf.
Like how were people not tired of that nas x song after 2 weeks?
he kept dropping hella remixes for it plus there was no competition that year
biggest bullshit i ever heard
what was the last good song that was a hit
what was the last good song that was a hit
literally the box was last year
This has to be the grimiest song to ever go number 1.
! too
Fifty ITT hating already
grumble grumble
I'm going to post pre-2016 hits since streaming has changed the game and any song can become a hit just off memes.