  • Dec 16, 2022

    Glover is attached to star and produce a feature set in Sony Pictures’ Spider-Man universe of Marvel Comics characters, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

    Myles Murphy, the son of actor and comedian Eddie Murphy, is on board to write the project, which has no title but is said to revolve on the Hypno-Hustler, one of the more obscure Spider-Man villains.

    Created by Bill Mantlo, the writer who also created Rocket Racoon, and artist Frank Springer, Hypno-Hustler was very much a product of the disco music scene when he first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man No. 24 in 1978. His real name was Antoine Delsoin, the leader of a band called the Mercy Killers and used hypnosis technology in his instruments on his audience in order to rob them.

    Hypno-Hustler is not considered one of Spider-Man’s top villains – in fact, he regularly shows up on worst supervillains lists – but sources say Glover sparked to the musical aspect of the character and the fact that he has less Marvel cannon baggage, freeing him to greater interpretations. The project could be anything from a disco period piece to a re-imagined modern hip-hop version or even a cyberpunk future play. Adding to the spark was Murphy’s take, whose details are being kept below the bass clef.

  • Dec 16, 2022


  • Prez 💎
    Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    is this the same character he portrayed in Spider-Man: Homecoming?

  • Dec 16, 2022
    2 replies

    he saw morbius and said yo let me make one of those instead of being MCU prowler/uncle aaron for Miles Morales???

  • Dec 16, 2022

    is this the same character he portrayed in Spider-Man: Homecoming?

    No, that was Aaron Davis, aka the Prowler and also Miles Morales’s uncle

  • Dec 16, 2022
    3 replies

    This is a Z-grade villain
    Has capeshit gone too far?

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    This is a Z-grade villain
    Has capeshit gone too far?

    The Guardians were D-tier as well until James Gunn made them household names

    Most every cinematic project Donald has been involved in has been great so there must be something there if he agreed to do it

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Watch this end up being the only good film out of that s***ty sony-verse thing they’re trying to do

  • Dec 16, 2022
    2 replies

    The Guardians were D-tier as well until James Gunn made them household names

    Most every cinematic project Donald has been involved in has been great so there must be something there if he agreed to do it

    Yea I just thought it was kinda funny

    This is so left field that it may just work, especially with glover producing

  • OP
    Dec 16, 2022

    Yea I just thought it was kinda funny

    This is so left field that it may just work, especially with glover producing

    This will be his Joker

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Hypno-Hustler is not considered one of Spider-Man’s top villains – in fact, he regularly shows up on worst supervillains lists – but sources say Glover sparked to the musical aspect of the character and the fact that he has less Marvel cannon baggage, freeing him to greater interpretations. The project could be anything from a disco period piece to a re-imagined modern hip-hop version or even a cyberpunk future play. Adding to the spark was Murphy’s take, whose details are being kept below the bass clef.

    Ok now you have my attention. Sounds like Donald will have much more creative freedom to pretty much do whatever with the character

  • Dec 16, 2022
    2 replies

    I'm curious because it's Glover, but hate that Sony just won't let go and will literally throw anything at the wall.

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Cash money

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea I just thought it was kinda funny

    This is so left field that it may just work, especially with glover producing

    Two things that struck me as weird about this:

    1. Myles Murphy, who’s attached to write, has no prior writing history or film experience, at least none I can find with a Google search

    2. Hollywood Reporter spelled his name wrong (it should be Miles), which is weird because they’re a very reputable company. Minor detail but just odd

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Black people robbing Sony while making mediocre content

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    so this gonna be a musical

    him writing a pulpy campy musical could be interesting, if his brother and the atlanta writers got involved too i'd be into it

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Vulture gone
    Prowler gone

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Hypno Hustler

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    maybe miles MCU isn't happening for a while and thought f*** it im not getting any younger im not gonna wait a decade+ to be a one-off villain for his movie

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Two things that struck me as weird about this:

    1. Myles Murphy, who’s attached to write, has no prior writing history or film experience, at least none I can find with a Google search

    2. Hollywood Reporter spelled his name wrong (it should be Miles), which is weird because they’re a very reputable company. Minor detail but just odd

    Didn’t even know Eddie murphy’s son was a writer

    S***, I ain’t even know Eddie Murphy had a son lmao

  • Dec 16, 2022

    In first page why not

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply


  • Dec 16, 2022

    maybe miles MCU isn't happening for a while and thought f*** it im not getting any younger im not gonna wait a decade+ to be a one-off villain for his movie

    If Miles isn’t introduced in the MCU in Holland’s next movie I’d be shocked, especially since he’s so relevant right now culturally

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply


    Sony verse different than the MCU so technically it could still happen one day

  • G Roy 🩻
    Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    they're scratching the bottom of the barrel with capeshit