  • Oct 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Last Gen was cheeks too

    Maybe for you lol but millions of people loved Spiderman, God of War, TLOU 2, Detroit, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, the list goes on and on. There was pretty much something for everyone so if you were disappointed that's on you.

  • Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Last Gen was cheeks too

    Last gen was amazing, some of the greatest games of all time released last gen

  • I’m not worried about the ps5s library, when all i said and done Sony has had the best libraries of games since the ps1 released ( 7th gen is debatable though )

  • Oct 28, 2021

    They going to announce when people can get consoles in stores?

  • HaroldsChicken

    Nah neither going crazy right now . Halo trailer was cool but it’s a year late

    A year late? That s*** was broken and made fun last year, now it's too late

    No one plays cyber punk anymore cause of how bad yall want these games to come out

  • JayS 🦄
    Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    Maybe for you lol but millions of people loved Spiderman, God of War, TLOU 2, Detroit, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, the list goes on and on. There was pretty much something for everyone so if you were disappointed that's on you.

    No a single good exclusive multiplayer shooter

  • Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    all the fools who bought a overpriced ps5 now mad

    should have waited til there are enough decent games

  • Oct 28, 2021

    No a single good exclusive multiplayer shooter

    Did any console have that? Seems like most people were/are still playing Call of Duty or Overwatch

  • Oct 28, 2021

    Conference was so bad that somehow Xbox won today.

  • Oct 28, 2021

    all the fools who bought a overpriced ps5 now mad

    should have waited til there are enough decent games

    cope more

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 28, 2021
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Last gen was amazing, some of the greatest games of all time released last gen

    Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of all time but outside of that nothing memorable for me personally

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 28, 2021
    2 replies
    Handsome Bachelor

    Maybe for you lol but millions of people loved Spiderman, God of War, TLOU 2, Detroit, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, the list goes on and on. There was pretty much something for everyone so if you were disappointed that's on you.

    Of all the games you listed Bloodborne is the only masterpiece I’ll play until the end of the time and even that is plagued by the frame rate unfortunately.

    To not sound like a troll let me add more depth to what I meant when I said I didn’t like last Gen.

    Were there good games? Absolutely. But majority of the games that dropped last Gen have 0 replayability. That’s been my problem with AAA games being these blockbuster experiences. You play it once. People take their screenshots for Twitter how beautiful it is. The story is cool, the gameplay is okay at best. You beat it, it was fun, you have no incentive to play it again.

    To me a great game is timeless. I’ve been playing Donkey Kong Country 2 since I was 4. I still play it regularly at 29. I can say the same for many ps1 and Ps2 games and some ps3 titles as well. But most games last Gen just really had a play it once and never again effect. To me that’s why I didn’t care for last Gen much. It didn’t leave much of an impression on me for the long term

  • Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Of all the games you listed Bloodborne is the only masterpiece I’ll play until the end of the time and even that is plagued by the frame rate unfortunately.

    To not sound like a troll let me add more depth to what I meant when I said I didn’t like last Gen.

    Were there good games? Absolutely. But majority of the games that dropped last Gen have 0 replayability. That’s been my problem with AAA games being these blockbuster experiences. You play it once. People take their screenshots for Twitter how beautiful it is. The story is cool, the gameplay is okay at best. You beat it, it was fun, you have no incentive to play it again.

    To me a great game is timeless. I’ve been playing Donkey Kong Country 2 since I was 4. I still play it regularly at 29. I can say the same for many ps1 and Ps2 games and some ps3 titles as well. But most games last Gen just really had a play it once and never again effect. To me that’s why I didn’t care for last Gen much. It didn’t leave much of an impression on me for the long term

    Play Devil May Cry, it has a lot of replay value

    Roguelikes/lites like Hades have a lot of replay value too

    Can’t go wrong with online games, they have the most replay value in gaming. Been plenty of great ones in the recent years ( Overwatch,Tekken,Valorant,Apex Legends etc )

    Creative games like Minecraft have a lot too, s*** like Dreams is perfect for replay value if you like creating stuff

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 28, 2021
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Play Devil May Cry, it has a lot of replay value

    Roguelikes/lites like Hades have a lot of replay value too

    Can’t go wrong with online games, they have the most replay value in gaming. Been plenty of great ones in the recent years ( Overwatch,Tekken,Valorant,Apex Legends etc )

    Creative games like Minecraft have a lot too, s*** like Dreams is perfect for replay value if you like creating stuff

    I should have been more specific I’m talking in terms of first party games when it comes to the generations.

    The games mentioned especially DMC and Hades are my favs. Third parties have been on it. Hades and One Step From Eden are probably my most played games. Indie games have carried the entire year for me

  • Sekiro, RE2 Remake, REV are not timeless. Chill out lol

  • Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Sony should really work on their communication

    you can't have E3 level conferences where you show first party next gen games and conferences showing some fun lowkey games under the same name of State of Play.

    that's just stupid. ofc people will be disappointed

    edit: nvm im dumb, they have different names lol

    that being said, Little Devil Inside looks dope af

  • Oct 28, 2021

    I thought guys knew this until I saw how upset they would get at the state of plays and clearly were expecting the showcase

  • Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    the last few shows where they talked about Horizon, Gow and other first party games where titled State of Play right ? or am i confused lol

    nvm, you right, i'm dumb

  • Oct 28, 2021

    ooooh okay. yeah this isn't really clear, they should use another name for the more lowkey conferences

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 28, 2021
    1 reply

    You named pretty much the only games I think have that replayability 😭😭😭

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 28, 2021

    Persona 5 is probably the only other big title I can think of I see myself revisiting but Persona and SMT are pretty much my main series. With that being said there are a lot of niche games I’ll go back to. Nier Replicant, Sakura Wars, basically the weeb games lol