How tf did Sony f*** up worse than DC
At this rate, in 5 years they will be begging Feige to buy Spiderman universe from them
Sony needs to stop
They just keep dropping trash after trash.
Just give the rights to Marvel.
Nobody checking out for these low budget marvel movies.
Star wars movies had nothing to do with sony lol
Agree on the rest tho
I know they don’t my whole comment is about that lol why would u think I thought that
Harry Potter don’t either. I’m saying, Disney/WB backed down after dropping stuff that flopped and Sony are not
W for benito and tbh his pull is so global it will probably send this movie no matter how s***ty to go #1. He just had a record breaking tour
They’re making it cause Bad Bunny wants to be a superhero and he’s good money
But I’m just imagining them trying to find a character for him and coming up with this obscure one lmao
We won, foo.
You won, foo. I only listen to J Balvin...
I bet @BS59 is behind this
Couldnt have said it better myself and Gambit will be the first films to make quadrillion dollars
Might have to f*** around and write a script for a Spider-Man villain
Sony villain script :
Uninteresting Love interest
Villain with the same exact powers
Final battle that you can’t see what the f*** is going on in
#ElMuertoEffect this like stonks?
Bad Bunny doesn’t speak English so I wonder how this is gonna work out. Either way I’m in.
Who the hell is that??? I consider myself a huge Spidey fan but I don't think I've heard of him.