This ed. I served and I get the aspect of not being someone’s else’s slave and s***. But if it wasn’t for the people that serve, Soulja boy dumbass wouldn’t have the freedom to be as ignorant as he is. Whether we like the missions or not, every world power depend on having a military or they would be overran by all the other world powers. Hate the leaders that put us dumb wars, not the people fighting to make sure your dumbass can be rich. Best believe if China took us over, Soulja boy wouldn’t exist lol.
Hey man if you killed for the monetary interests of a world power that actively oppresses it’s own people then I gotta throw up a big 🖕😤🖕 and say get your 10-hut ass tf outta here
This ed. I served and I get the aspect of not being someone’s else’s slave and s***. But if it wasn’t for the people that serve, Soulja boy dumbass wouldn’t have the freedom to be as ignorant as he is. Whether we like the missions or not, every world power depend on having a military or they would be overran by all the other world powers. Hate the leaders that put us dumb wars, not the people fighting to make sure your dumbass can be rich. Best believe if China took us over, Soulja boy wouldn’t exist lol.
Zezima aint grind on runescape for this bullshit to be posted
It’s funny that this comes from someone named Soulja Boy
Big Soulja was ahead of the game as per usual
Get uzi on here and it would be a hit again
if he just put out a remix tape of his old hits, he'd probably be relevant again tbh that's a good idea
Get uzi on here and it would be a hit again
He just needa re release this in general imagine the overwhelming positive response it would get now
Hey man if you killed for the monetary interests of a world power that actively oppresses it’s own people then I gotta throw up a big 🖕😤🖕 and say get your 10-hut ass tf outta here
You’re going to individual cases which misses the point. I already said that it’s okay to not agree with the people who make those decisions. I definitely don’t agree with them, but again without a military there’d be no America therefore no freedom to go on twitter talking reckless. Best believe if America fell due to no military to defend its sovereignty, that whoever would take us over would not let us talk reckless or have the freedom we have today.
Y’all expect perfection in an imperfect world.
I hate some of things we as former, present, or future service members do, but we don’t make those decisions and again without the military you wouldn’t have the freedom to be on ktt.
The military isn’t the problem as they don’t make the decisions they just follow them, the people who issue those orders are the problem. Y’all take it out on the wrong party. Being against the military only endangers your freedom.
Nice cuckold erotica
Bet you weren’t bothered by your girl getting railed every other night while you were overseas too
Nice cuckold erotica
Bet you weren’t bothered by your girl getting railed every other night while you were overseas too
You do know that you and anyone who agrees with you is p**** right?
As long as you know. No getting around it. More excuses= more p****
And for you info I didn’t date while in the service. But your momma might have had a visit every once in awhile from big daddy.
You do know that you and anyone who agrees with you is p**** right?
As long as you know. No getting around it. More excuses= more p****
And for you info I didn’t date while in the service. But your momma might have had a visit every once in awhile from big daddy.
Bootlicking cuck
This ed. I served and I get the aspect of not being someone’s else’s slave and s***. But if it wasn’t for the people that serve, Soulja boy dumbass wouldn’t have the freedom to be as ignorant as he is. Whether we like the missions or not, every world power depend on having a military or they would be overran by all the other world powers. Hate the leaders that put us dumb wars, not the people fighting to make sure your dumbass can be rich. Best believe if China took us over, Soulja boy wouldn’t exist lol.
I'm crying I thought this was a copypasta or a youtube comment and was sorely disappointed
this unironically slaps though. Ion think i ever heard this flow before
Lil B uses this flow