They playing songs from Endless randomly
Drake really a Frank stan
GOVI mix tonight
They playing songs from Endless randomly
Drake really a Frank stan
Frank needs to resell that merch to dab on the re-sellers
Frank needs to resell that merch to dab on the re-sellers
Still got the Pink and White Blonded tee
Mark talking about the night Ye came thru…. Also shouted out Harlow
Anything interesting about that night?
somebody on reddit said an extended version of fountains was played, anybody hear it?
somebody on reddit said an extended version of fountains was played, anybody hear it?
On Fry Yiy?
On Fry Yiy?
apparently yeah the post is from 11 hours ago said it had an extended tems verse
apparently yeah the post is from 11 hours ago said it had an extended tems verse
I listened to the episode Friday don’t think they even played fountains haha
New Baka tonight?
New Baka tonight?
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