Yes they were. He’s still very talented as an artist. Nobody can ever take that away from him.
Post his best beats pls
Post his best beats pls
He has like 2000 projects lol. I’ll just post my two favorites.
He has like 2000 projects lol. I’ll just post my two favorites.
!! mean they’re alright, very lush and dense but eh. Is that all u got?
I mean they’re alright, very lush and dense but eh. Is that all u got?
Nigga it’s like 5 AM where I live and I haven’t slept yet. I can’t make an entire Greatest Hits album for you. Just listen to the Intoxxxicated mixtape and Mysterious Phonk. His music is an acquired taste. At first I thought he was trash. Now I genuinely think in terms of beat-making he’s a musical genius. His lyrics nowadays usually take a backseat to his amazing beats.
I mean they’re alright, very lush and dense but eh. Is that all u got?
Blackland radio 66.6 has his best beats imo
Blackland radio 66.6 has his best beats imo
Even then, Blackland Radio is really weird on a first listen. At first I just thought this guy had no idea how to mix music until I realized it was an artistic choice. His music is too strange or niche for most people.
It’s cause he exposed rocky as gay
Even then, Blackland Radio is really weird on a first listen. At first I just thought this guy had no idea how to mix music until I realized it was an artistic choice. His music is too strange or niche for most people.
For sure, it’s hilarious how you’ll have to keep turning the volume up and down depending on the song. Sand2011, like a strippah, mac name purrp, Captain Planet, Osiris of the East, legend of the East pyramids and grind on me some of the best beats oat tho
People asking for beats go listen to Intoxxxicated, BMW (this tape hard asf), Mysterious Phonk
For sure, it’s hilarious how you’ll have to keep turning the volume up and down depending on the song. Sand2011, like a strippah, mac name purrp, Captain Planet, Osiris of the East, legend of the East pyramids and grind on me some of the best beats oat tho
Seriously lol that’s exactly why I love SGP. You never know what you’re gonna get when you turn on one of his songs. No two songs are ever even remotely alike.
Nah bro he good dw not as broke as mfs make him out to be
He’s only got like 500$ and mfs in the comments: “Ay lemme hold 20” bruh I’m fkn cryiiing
u c***s stay making fun of this man but when ur favourite artists are exposed as booty bandits don't come crying to us
u c***s stay making fun of this man but when ur favourite artists are exposed as booty bandits don't come crying to us
But this guy was fingering his own ass on camera. What's worse your goat doing that or getting accused with no proof