How old was he on the 1st one? Seems like ATS picks up right after the ending
he's 14 in the 1st one and he looks much older here so im guessing hes 17 + he acts like he hasnt seen gwen in a long time
godddd this animation looks even more intricate + stylized than the last movie how is that even f***ing possible
How old was he on the 1st one? Seems like ATS picks up right after the ending
I thought so too but he deff looks older. I guess there hadda be a timejump before the very ending of the first one
godddd this animation looks even more intricate + stylized than the last movie how is that even f***ing possible
Sony improved the budget after the Oscar and critical reception. Also I'm sure the 1st one did great selling copies
I wonder if they’re making them both together
oh S*** they could easily be considering how far the release date is
Fantastic. Hopefully the wait won’t be as long for part 2
Flashes some different spider logos at the end
They confirmed he’s gonna be with a new team so
They gonna be dimension hopping
And each world drawn by different artists with different styles
This gonna make the first one seem tame
Half a million views in 40 minutes on YouTube
1m views on the Sony Twitter link
I am personally begging humanity to ensure that this movie does big numbers
This is going to be amazing, Miles going for back to back GOAT spidey films
Iron boy could never