man, i know what he’s trying to say but dude should have kept quiet.
You can’t win with twitter on this.
John took that Star Wars money, pissed off every Reylo, and started his own production company for African films
They're going through old tweets now
bro how did they even find this lmaoo
This is why sony cast him tbhh
This nigga really on some Ye s***
This nigga really on some Ye s***
Aw yeah, he not getting more roles
Man this nigga shameik is truly a whole dumbass, it’s a shame because I was rooting for him too.
Smh now we're gonna get MBJ as Miles and it's all this nigga's fault
If Gunn can come back from mad pedo rape jokes, you can survive anything b
He good
This nigga really on some Ye s***
writers killing off miles in the next script rn
If Gunn can come back from mad pedo rape jokes, you can survive anything b
He good
So true lmao
writers killing off miles in the next script rn
Streets been whispering about a Spider-Ham spin-off anyway
If Gunn can come back from mad pedo rape jokes, you can survive anything b
He good
Difference is shamiek is black
They don't love you like that fam
Smh now we're gonna get MBJ as Miles and it's all this nigga's fault
Nah, get Jharrel Jerome.
If Gunn can come back from mad pedo rape jokes, you can survive anything b
He good
I mean..nobody even knows Shameik voices Miles nobody is checking for him like that anyway.