Before the age of 30, Rihanna crafted the most purely enjoyable album of the 2010s by embracing her fully realized womanhood. She embraced tunnel vision and pushed her boundaries off the map.
I'm so over white music publications using the word "crafted" to describe pop albums they would have turned their nose at before poptimism became trendy in 2013
Great album
Better then any Beyonce album not named Dangerously In Love....and its quietly more enjoyable then DIL so...
I'm so over white music publications using the word "crafted" to describe pop albums they would have turned their nose at before poptimism became trendy in 2013
its good but soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far from the best
it's not even good tho
Spin that publication that posted that racist review of Summertime 06 right?
wait wtf
they got cardi b in the banner
wait wtf
They had to add an editors note.