  • Oct 4, 2023

    Seems like a lot of people at a certain point got annoyed at the flashbacks and wanted them to move forward with the story
    But, personally, I love the flashbacks
    The more, the better, I say

  • Oct 4, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    Saw 5 gets too much hate
    The traps for the group are conceptually weak, sure
    But I actually enjoy the cat and mouse game with Hoffman and Strahm
    And the ending is one of the series best, so iconic

    5th movie the 4th best for me personally for me

    I see a lot of people either like or hate Hoffman and I like him tbh

    And I fully agree with you. The Hoffman and Strahm main plot line is SO goods. Wish we got one more movie of them instead of how it ended but man is 5 really good

  • Oct 4, 2023
    Shin Chan

    5th movie the 4th best for me personally for me

    I see a lot of people either like or hate Hoffman and I like him tbh

    And I fully agree with you. The Hoffman and Strahm main plot line is SO goods. Wish we got one more movie of them instead of how it ended but man is 5 really good

    Hoffman has a cool look to him, he’s just this dark sociopath ghoul
    I don’t really think he looks all that much like Strahm but a lot of people think that

  • Oct 4, 2023
    1 reply

    With the first 5 Saw movies, I really don’t think any of them are genuinely bad
    I’m usually a harsh critic, maybe I just have a soft spot for this series

  • Oct 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I disagree here with necessarily feeling bad for the victims and I don’t think the movie wants you to feel bad for them either. If you removed the Saw name and we didn’t have the cultural context to what Jigsaw is, this plays for the most part like a revenge film.

    The victims are all supremely detestable human beings with exception to Gabriela, which the film has a clear soft heart for and wants the audience to root for her and I’d argue even plays up the identity politics to show a woman of color at the mercy of the much worse white people who employ her (leading to her literally being killed by her white employer in a very heavy handed moment). The whole movie feels like a Liam neeson movie honestly

    also i despised the final trap between the woman and that dude. Jigsaws traps are meant to be poetic and a way for the victims to reawaken themselves for their horrible mistakes. This one just enables the piece of s\*\*\* snake to be a piece of s\*\*\* snake

    lol ya maybe feeling bad is too much but i think u're def supposed to think the traps are unfair, having two ppl in a row play and die from the time limit puts emphasis on the constraint rather than just asking the viewer what they would do in that situation, like for example the venus fly trap scene

    wrt gabriela i feel it's more about the amanda parallels rather than identity politics

    yea traps where ppl are supposed to kill each other never made much sense to me but tbh it started in saw 1 with zepp's test

  • Oct 4, 2023

    Saw 5 gets too much hate
    The traps for the group are conceptually weak, sure
    But I actually enjoy the cat and mouse game with Hoffman and Strahm
    And the ending is one of the series best, so iconic

    opening and ending traps are hard but strahm is dumb as bricks the whole movie, he was much better in saw 4 imo but i also am not a fan of the "detective going crazy" trope. still it's a better movie than 4

  • Oct 4, 2023
    1 reply

    With the first 5 Saw movies, I really don’t think any of them are genuinely bad
    I’m usually a harsh critic, maybe I just have a soft spot for this series

    If you watch them just for the kills & twists like I do, I agree lol

  • Oct 4, 2023
    1 reply

    lol ya maybe feeling bad is too much but i think u're def supposed to think the traps are unfair, having two ppl in a row play and die from the time limit puts emphasis on the constraint rather than just asking the viewer what they would do in that situation, like for example the venus fly trap scene

    wrt gabriela i feel it's more about the amanda parallels rather than identity politics

    yea traps where ppl are supposed to kill each other never made much sense to me but tbh it started in saw 1 with zepp's test

    I think if anything, showing them engage with the trap and suffer and still die is gratifying revenge if anything. These people have done detestable things and are clearly written for us as an audience to hate them and want the worst for them. Honestly, the only reason I can see that woman at the end living is because they want to use her in future sequels as a villain

    the Amanda parallel if anything serves even more of an emotional connection to Gabriela and strengthens the identity politics argument that the only person of the victims who isn’t white or male also happens to be the closest thing to a real victim in the situation. Her trap is also easily the lightest of the others (which makes sense tbh through Jigsaw lore because his traps do vary based on how awful the crime is of that person) but it’s also the only trap where I’d say that the writers want us as an audience to see her make it through. And that’s because she genuinely looks remorseful through the whole thing as compared to the others who are angry the whole time and look like they’re all snakes.

  • Oct 4, 2023

    I think if anything, showing them engage with the trap and suffer and still die is gratifying revenge if anything. These people have done detestable things and are clearly written for us as an audience to hate them and want the worst for them. Honestly, the only reason I can see that woman at the end living is because they want to use her in future sequels as a villain

    the Amanda parallel if anything serves even more of an emotional connection to Gabriela and strengthens the identity politics argument that the only person of the victims who isn’t white or male also happens to be the closest thing to a real victim in the situation. Her trap is also easily the lightest of the others (which makes sense tbh through Jigsaw lore because his traps do vary based on how awful the crime is of that person) but it’s also the only trap where I’d say that the writers want us as an audience to see her make it through. And that’s because she genuinely looks remorseful through the whole thing as compared to the others who are angry the whole time and look like they’re all snakes.

    maybe, but then with cecilia they have to go to such extreme lengths to make the audience hate her that i'm not sure they wanted to elicit the same feelings for the other guys, also they are portrayed in their everyday life in a diff way from cecilia. in general tho i'd argue it's hard to hate the victims in saw movies unless they're like the absolute worst

    yeah but she's a real victim because she's an addict more than anything, they do make her trauma look palpable and that's why she's one the audience can empathize with the most but when the others are actually playing and look all confused and distressed i feel their anger starts mattering less, unless it's cecilia. this movie if anything is very much attuned to their attempts at saving their lives

  • Oct 4, 2023

    If you watch them just for the kills & twists like I do, I agree lol

    In order of things I watch a Saw movie for:

    1. The Story
    2. The twist
    3. The creativity of the traps

  • Oct 4, 2023

    Actually really enjoyed this movie, there was a really camp tone to it which was a nice change from the usual. It was actually kinda funny.

    The script was wild though

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Saw 7 was insane, definitely felt like a parody of itself
    The new detectives were terrible
    And, I felt like they could have brought Dr. Gordon back in a more satisfying way. It did a poor job of explaining his motivation. This was the moment we all were waiting for and it biffed it.
    Also, this one, more than the others… it just felt too mean for me
    Sort of an ugly, unpleasant watch
    Not the best final chapter (probably the only movie thus far that’s actually bad) but worth watching for Saw completists

  • Oct 5, 2023
    2 replies

    1. Saw
    2. Saw II
    3. Saw III
    4. Saw VI
    5. Saw IV
    6. Saw V
    7. Saw: The Final Chapter

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Saw 7 was insane, definitely felt like a parody of itself
    The new detectives were terrible
    And, I felt like they could have brought Dr. Gordon back in a more satisfying way. It did a poor job of explaining his motivation. This was the moment we all were waiting for and it biffed it.
    Also, this one, more than the others… it just felt too mean for me
    Sort of an ugly, unpleasant watch
    Not the best final chapter (probably the only movie thus far that’s actually bad) but worth watching for Saw completists

    ya i thought it was supposed to be comedic too, but it's interesting that it does the self aware thing a lot better than other franchises like nightmare on elm street

    i actually enjoyed the main detective guy tbh it was a nice change of pace from strahm and matthews who were insane

    def the meanest saw movie, like i think u're supposed to just cheer for them all to die it's shot with such contempt for the victims

    also it's funny they tried to mimic the saw 1 look kind of but it just looks like s*** lmao

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    1. Saw
    2. Saw II
    3. Saw III
    4. Saw VI
    5. Saw IV
    6. Saw V
    7. Saw: The Final Chapter

    same except id probably put 4 last, the intro with kramer's autopsy is hard but there's like no good traps (the mausoleum trap will always be the worst of the first 7 movies + x), the main character's journey doesn't make sense at all and visually it has no flair although the editing is fun with those transitions

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    ya i thought it was supposed to be comedic too, but it's interesting that it does the self aware thing a lot better than other franchises like nightmare on elm street

    i actually enjoyed the main detective guy tbh it was a nice change of pace from strahm and matthews who were insane

    def the meanest saw movie, like i think u're supposed to just cheer for them all to die it's shot with such contempt for the victims

    also it's funny they tried to mimic the saw 1 look kind of but it just looks like s*** lmao

    Some of the ideas, on paper, are actually pretty good
    Like you said, the self-aware thing is a good angle
    The idea of a Jigsaw support group is pretty funny too
    It’s just the execution that kills it
    I really do think that detective has the most laughable line readings in the whole saga

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    same except id probably put 4 last, the intro with kramer's autopsy is hard but there's like no good traps (the mausoleum trap will always be the worst of the first 7 movies + x), the main character's journey doesn't make sense at all and visually it has no flair although the editing is fun with those transitions

    Oh bro I almost forgot about the TRANSITIONS!
    The one that goes from Rigg throwing the scalped women through the window to the detectives room was genuinely impressive
    What didn’t you like about the mausoleum trap? I just thought it was stupid how easily he could have ripped the stitches out of his mouth, he had a hatchet

  • Oct 5, 2023

    Some of the ideas, on paper, are actually pretty good
    Like you said, the self-aware thing is a good angle
    The idea of a Jigsaw support group is pretty funny too
    It’s just the execution that kills it
    I really do think that detective has the most laughable line readings in the whole saga

    yeah it's really sloppy, at this point there's no new secrets to tell so they just have hoffman move around (mostly) while the game goes on with no particular urgency. agreed about the detective and it goes for everyone in the movie really

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Oh bro I almost forgot about the TRANSITIONS!
    The one that goes from Rigg throwing the scalped women through the window to the detectives room was genuinely impressive
    What didn’t you like about the mausoleum trap? I just thought it was stupid how easily he could have ripped the stitches out of his mouth, he had a hatchet

    they were having so much fun!! jigsaw looking at strahm was another crazy one

    not a fan in general of the traps where someone has to die (though u could argue that doesn't have to happen in the mausoleum one) but that one felt especially un-jigsawlike as he usually picks people who know each other or have secrets to keep from each other, and u're just dropped in with no info, it was rly weird

    i thought it was some unbreakable material?

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Saw 5 gets too much hate
    The traps for the group are conceptually weak, sure
    But I actually enjoy the cat and mouse game with Hoffman and Strahm
    And the ending is one of the series best, so iconic

    That moment where Hoffman effortlessly code switches from being surprised that he's in the box to just having this "I won, f***er" attitude is so great.

    Love the fact that it was the same box seen briefly in John's lab in 4, too - mostly meaningless as far as connections go, but what a payoff

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Bad Finger Boogie

    That moment where Hoffman effortlessly code switches from being surprised that he's in the box to just having this "I won, f***er" attitude is so great.

    Love the fact that it was the same box seen briefly in John's lab in 4, too - mostly meaningless as far as connections go, but what a payoff

    My brain tells me Saw 4 is better, but my heart tells me Saw 5 is

    Yup! I caught that too!
    Moments like that, where they subtly sew the seeds for something are just so cool
    It’s right up there with waxing the tape in Saw 3

  • Oct 5, 2023

    If Saw was an anime I feel like people would be more into Hoffman

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    they were having so much fun!! jigsaw looking at strahm was another crazy one

    not a fan in general of the traps where someone has to die (though u could argue that doesn't have to happen in the mausoleum one) but that one felt especially un-jigsawlike as he usually picks people who know each other or have secrets to keep from each other, and u're just dropped in with no info, it was rly weird

    i thought it was some unbreakable material?

    He ends up ripping the stitches out at the end anyway
    That’s a good point, but I do like eyes shut / mouth shut, I think it’s a decently clever conundrum, because it requires teamwork, but there’s no way to communicate it
    It just needed some bars from ol’ Billy to tie everything together

  • Oct 5, 2023

    Feel like they absolutely threw the whole "will to live" rhetoric out the window with the victims in this one though lmao.

    The first two victims did what was asked in their traps but bc they didn't do it in under 3 minutes they die? Like they just didn't show the will to live fast enough? Valentina amputated her leg :dead:

    Obviously the time limit is what it is but it just made me laugh. Jigsaw being a petty b**** >>

  • Oct 5, 2023
    1 reply

    1. Saw
    2. Saw II
    3. Saw III
    4. Saw VI
    5. Saw IV
    6. Saw V
    7. Saw: The Final Chapter

    Where would you rank X or have you not seen it yet?
