  • Oct 25, 2019

    Kanye saying jesus is king
    Im saying these planets n s*** came from somewhere

    What are u saying?

  • Oct 25, 2019
    3 replies

    We all come from one eternal source. Has nothing to do with religion. Bible is a metaphysical and esoteric piece of work. It has truth in it as do other religious books. But you can not see the truth through literalist interpretations.

  • OP
    Oct 25, 2019

    We all come from one eternal source. Has nothing to do with religion. Bible is a metaphysical and esoteric piece of work. It has truth in it as do other religious books. But you can not see the truth through literalist interpretations.

    Powerful tbh

    Spirituality > religion

  • Oct 25, 2019

    We all come from one eternal source. Has nothing to do with religion. Bible is a metaphysical and esoteric piece of work. It has truth in it as do other religious books. But you can not see the truth through literalist interpretations.


  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    The real enlightenment comes when you realize EVERY religion is actually right

  • OP
    Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    The real enlightenment comes when you realize EVERY religion is actually right

    But theyve all been manipulated over time

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply
    d stoner

    But theyve all been manipulated over time

    Facts. When I took acid for the first time what I was feeling was the undeniable existence of god. We are naturally supposed to feel that all the time. Technology and mass media has numbed our psychic powers down.

  • Spirituality made me realize there is God inside everyone. What you choose to do with that godly power is on you. Also made me realize Alex Jones did NOTHING wrong

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    Oh yeah and space is fake

  • OP
    Oct 25, 2019

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    The real redpill: science is also a religion

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    You all ever read about the concept of walk-ins? It was a new age belief that when a person becomes unwilling to go on in life, a transient spirit will simply “move in” to the body and take control.

  • Oct 25, 2019
    1 reply

    im an atheist but when that jesus is king jawn come on.. HALLELUJAH BROTHER 😇

  • Oct 25, 2019

    I've got a lot of spiritual beliefs that are out there

  • Oct 25, 2019

    Its fun to try and make sense of it all and look deep into different things for the sake of experimentation and learning

  • OP
    Oct 25, 2019

    im an atheist but when that jesus is king jawn come on.. HALLELUJAH BROTHER 😇

  • Oct 26, 2019

    Bro since March I’ve been on this journey and it has been great, when you realize the power you have man...

  • Replica

    You all ever read about the concept of walk-ins? It was a new age belief that when a person becomes unwilling to go on in life, a transient spirit will simply “move in” to the body and take control.

    spiritual possession

    you having a brain blast rn

  • Oct 26, 2019

    I consider myself to be an agnostic Cultural Christian, the whole belief and worship stuff is a turn off for me but the religious stuff is still part of me culturally because I grew up with it and most people in my family and in general are religious anyway, I'm gonna marry a Mexican woman and she'll most likely be Catholic so I'll have to figure out how I'm gonna deal with all this but yeah, lol

  • Zaywop 💰
    Oct 26, 2019

    My type of thread

  • Tem Ohp Ab.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    The Garden Stan

    Facts. When I took acid for the first time what I was feeling was the undeniable existence of god. We are naturally supposed to feel that all the time. Technology and mass media has numbed our psychic powers down.

  • Jul 22, 2020

    We all come from one eternal source. Has nothing to do with religion. Bible is a metaphysical and esoteric piece of work. It has truth in it as do other religious books. But you can not see the truth through literalist interpretations.

    This is also my view

  • Jul 22, 2020
    The Garden Stan

    The real redpill: science is also a religion

    i dislike this point honestly. it simplifies it too much. science does require some faith but it also has the f***ing scientific method which is the opposite of faith