  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    They disliked what Joe said about Vaccines so they are digging up when he said Nigga. They are not addressing this because they care about black people . The constant idea some have that they are doing actions like this because they care about you is stupid because again 100 clips this has been known. They don't care about you they care to have the ability to weaponize you against people they don't like. Joe Rogan has said ignorant things about black people, trans community and allowed guest who are holocaust deniers and more.

    Why do you care if Joe Rogan has a platform if either way you don't listen to him? Either way he gets paid even if they were to remove him and he would just go back to Youtube and his listeners more empowered by the idea that someone tried to cancel him

    Spotify barely pays their musicians and stole the idea of Spotify wrapped.

    Prime of example of why black folk should be wary of white liberals

  • Cherrywine

    Prime of example of why black folk should be wary of white liberals

    They fall for it every time

    Every single time.

    If Joe Rogan was Pro Vax then everything flips

  • Feb 7, 2022
    8 replies

    This a wild video

  • Feb 7, 2022

    The only potential positive to come from this is if its a learning moment for some of his stans the motives behind digging this up is definitely covid related but that doesnt change that he was undeniably in the wrong for dropping n bombs and making planet of the apes jokes as a grown adult, no excuse for that s*** but he has changed and its good to show people can be rehabilitated

  • Feb 7, 2022
    16 replies

    I don't care

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    you mean pay more not less right lol

  • Back in my day if we didn’t like something we just changed the channel

  • AR15 💯
    Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies

    Arming nazis?

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    This a wild video

    "violence was less necessary in europe"

    ay man

  • Fantasy
    · edited

    I don’t trust anyone using Spotify in 2022.
    Not only with this Joe Rogan controversy, but they literally pay no money to artists.

    I get 2x the amount of Streams on Spotify than I do on Apple Music, but I get paid more from Apple Music.

    How tf

    Apple can afford to. They have far more streams of revenue by virtue of outsourcing labor to countries without workers rights protections.

    You get paid more due to giving workers in china the shaft lol

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Yeah their company values instead are to invest in weapon manufacturers that will let AI wipe out villages in the global south so we won't have soldiers that will have to deal with PTSD of murdering brown children, mental health awareness!

    Remember it's only racism when you use a slur.

  • Kengi 💭
    Feb 7, 2022

    Sack his ass 👎👎

  • Feb 7, 2022

    I just bought subscriptions to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC. These journalists deserve more support for the hard work they do delivering REAL NEWS without an agenda, not propaganda and misinformation!

    Right on brother

  • Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies

    It must be really tough to be a liberal bro. Couldn’t imagine being so worked up over insignificant s*** every day

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Normalize the n word

  • Feb 7, 2022

  • I want apple music but my friends don't so now I must continue my suffering using Spotify and their atrocious library management.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    What is actually so bad about joe that he needs to be “silenced”

    It seems so drastic, is it really just media wars? Pharma worried about losing the taxpayer bag? It isn’t the racial slurs 10 y ago or they would have started there.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    3 replies

    This a wild video

    Rogan rlly let that disgusting excuse of a person freely spout racist rethoric. So rogan is either:

    • racist himself
    • a spineless p****/coward
    • dumber than a rock

    Any of these reason should be enough to stop paying him any mind

  • AWS needs be be broken away from amazon imo

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply
    sabominable sabman


    literally not a single person who listens to him cares about any of the negatives about him. that’s his target demographic in the first place. none of this drama will affect him in any way. people who didn’t listen to him already will continue not to listen to him. oh no.

    I mean his viewers have gone down a bit tho, especially since the spotify exclusive deal

    There are plenty of people who liked the podcast for what it rly was (broscientist talking about chimps on shrooms and aliens) who don't listen to the podcast as much anymore (like me)