they put f***ing nav there instead of gunna or trav i’m in the top 6% nav
swear i’d be gunna top 1% and at least top 3-4% trav
proud to say i’m top 2% carti and top 3% lil baby
also top 5% uzi and top 7% kanye expected higher but a lotta people listen to them and for kanye i didn’t even use spotify by that time i guess
perhaps by the link in the address bar shown clearly on each screenshot
why alwyas be a c***
My s*** innacurate af
perhaps by the link in the address bar shown clearly on each screenshot
I like how he was asking a legitimate question and gets ethered
Congratulations guys!
Drake top 8%.
Suck my d*** haters
Fapple music catch up. Spotify with the stats
Some of these stats look inaccurate as f*** ngl