They cooking this nigga 💀
The more stories I read the more it solidifies the thought that the slightest elevation in status will make mfers lose any and all morals
Never heard a single note from this guy but if i were the girl i would take the texts, contact the studio to get the security footage and press charges on this f***er
It just had to be a nigga named Kobe
Let's not forgot what the other Kobe was accused of
Let's not forgot what the other Kobe was accused of
That was what I was referring to
Album art ridiculously hard, shame it had to be wasted on a creep if he did that s***, and its sure looking like he did
not the time for this man
You right, Ima just delete. This isn't the time or place
if you ask me he's got a very unique sound and tons of potential to blow up just based on the music
but this is gonna take alot of momentum from him
he just announced his long awaited album earlier today
….i feel like your priorities are a bit misdirected at the moment
Girl: ayo this nigga raped me and even his manager agrees
Niggas: OH NO!!!!!
It really is a miracle women aint gone on killing sprees yo lmao