This may as well be in korean because i dont know what the f*** youre talking about or who the f*** you think youβre talking to
kk libby
kk libby
Show me an example of me being a liberal you smooth brained meth smoker
This may as well be in korean because i dont know what the f*** youre talking about or who the f*** you think youβre talking to
Show me an example of me being a liberal you smooth brained meth smoker
!dream smooth brained meth smoker
Looks like St Edumist was right about you @op
settle this with some fall guys
bh0stman's a lib?
Me and mami doing d**** in a penthouse suite
Way to good and way too free
So we live like the bourgeoisie
Me and mami doing d**** in a penthouse suite
I'm the one I love you mami
You and me to the bourgeois beat
!dream President Joe Biden swole zombie apocalypse M1 Garand Huge Six Pac zombie terrorists in Baltimore