  • Who here has been to a stadium concert and wants to impart wisdom to us arena folk?

    Is it so loud and big and far away that may as well go for the cheapest seats? Or is it worth putting forward money for closer?

    I feel like it’s a big difference in an arena, but maybe not so much in a stadium

  • Dec 3, 2024

    Is it so loud and big and far away that may as well go for the cheapest seats?

    You should be thinking the opposite way. Try to get as close to the stage as possible

  • Dec 3, 2024

    Lower bowl is always your safest bet in a stadium. Do not get corner seats or seats facing straight forward, aim for the sides and anything ahead of the sound booth which is typically directly across from the stage. Do this for all venues tbh

    Nosebleeds are not worth it unless you just happy to vibe with your crew in the space. The music still hits but you’ll hear more of the crowd than the music

  • Dec 3, 2024

    unethical advice, buy more tickets than u need then sell the remainder at a profit then go to the concert for free