Played 13 hours today don’t think I’ve gone that hard in a single day playing a single player game since Ghost of Tsushima, or maybe Elden Ring
Same me and my gf just looked at each other and were like wtf it’s 1am we played all damn day?
haven’t had any issues tbh apart from one glitch where I had to restart the game
other than that game is great
Lol this game has such bi polar opinions from people
It’s been “I’m really enjoying the game having a lot of fun” or “this is the most average game I’ve ever played how can ea do this”
I waited several months to get the last game on PC because it had issues as well. Sounds like I’ll be doing the same for this.
it's sad cause it seems like an awesome game but the performance is killing me
PC definitely seems a lot worse than consoles but I was watching some PS5 and Series S/X game play on quality and it still looks too janky, not about to pay $70 for it on PS5 when I really just want to play this on PC at hopefully 4k 60fps
shouldn't be too much to ask for with a RTX 3080
the Series S looked to be the smoothest but it's stuck at 1440p 30
I got a 4090 bro and I am getting 35-55fps lmao its tragic. The stutters etc are too jaring too. Gonna wait for it be patched to continue playing
just got to Koboh and yeah I’m gonna wait for a patch. I can’t seem to regularly hit even 45 fps
I did play on quality mode and didn’t hate it but I’m so spoiled with other games that run at a smooth 60, it just felt weird after a bit
I really suck at combat in this
getting lost and this useless map is killing the game pacing for me ridiculous
Only issue I’m having that in assuming is a glitch is that sometimes the doors in the cantina won’t open for me
Other than that the performance is totally fine, occasionally frame rate drop in a cutscene here and there but it doesn’t bother me
F*** the Rancor lmao
So satisfying when you beat it though
Only issue I’m having that in assuming is a glitch is that sometimes the doors in the cantina won’t open for me
Other than that the performance is totally fine, occasionally frame rate drop in a cutscene here and there but it doesn’t bother me
it’s loading
it’s loading
Oh lol
One thing I will say is I don’t really care too much for the lightsaber customization
It’s really cool in theory but it’s so small that it doesn’t make much of a difference
Same with BD, changing the colors is cool but the different body parts and s*** you won’t really notice
how’s the game everyone? been on vacation but will cop it sometime when I get back
how’s the game everyone? been on vacation but will cop it sometime when I get back
way way better than I could have imagined