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  • Boba


  • Dec 4, 2020

    Disney in their bag right now fr

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Star Wars works reeeeeeaaaaalllly well in this format. Like way better than films

    Idk if I’m just f***ed up from the ST but the story just flows so nicely as a weekly show

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Old Man Robin

    Star Wars works reeeeeeaaaaalllly well in this format. Like way better than films

    Idk if I’m just f***ed up from the ST but the story just flows so nicely as a weekly show

    too much material for movies

    its like tryna put all of naruto in 6 movies lol

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino



  • Dec 4, 2020

    also this eps just said f*** george lucas and made jango and boba Mandalorians.

    Almanac or whatever his name was in TCW, just disavowed Jango Fett for political reasons to save face. They had to maintain neutrality in the war at the time, officially.

  • Oh my god

  • This show is goated

  • Jugern0t

    Amazing episode, but why did Mando try reaching for baby Yoda 3 times in a row expecting different results when he was surrounded by that force field?!

    These next two episodes are about to be insane.

    that drove me nuts lmfaoo

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    boba got the redemption hes deserved for 40 years

  • Dec 4, 2020

    Amazing episode, but why did Mando try reaching for baby Yoda 3 times in a row expecting different results when he was surrounded by that force field?!

    These next two episodes are about to be insane.

    he had no choice fam fatherly instinct

  • Dec 4, 2020

    best show of all time wtf ive never felt more emotions every single week from a f***ing show

  • rwina sawayama

    one of the best eps of the series tbh

    didnt think theyd actually let them capture grogu, thought a jedi was gonna come to save him or some s***

    also boba fett is insane

    they somehow keep making an episode that was better than the last

    since ep 3 they literally just keep one upping themselves

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    This eps was good but i was laughing when mando couldnt save the baby cuz he left his jetback for no reason.

    to be fair he just thought he was going to the seeing stone, s*** went south real quick tho

  • Dec 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Let’s not forget that grogu was trying to contact Jedi’s

    the jedi he contacted will help their crew save him at the last minute

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    the jedi he contacted will help their crew save him at the last minute

    episode 7 we get a jedi, episode 8 will be Boba, Fennec, the jedi, and mando trying to get grogu back

    theyll either get him and something bad will happen directly after, or they'll get really close and not get him and this will continue into season 3

  • Dec 4, 2020
    La Flama Blanca

    episode 7 we get a jedi, episode 8 will be Boba, Fennec, the jedi, and mando trying to get grogu back

    theyll either get him and something bad will happen directly after, or they'll get really close and not get him and this will continue into season 3

    2021 going well rests on grogu being safe at the end of the season

    ill just subconsciously be on guard/a total a****** if we dont have closure

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    seeing the Slave 1 made me wet ngl

  • Dec 4, 2020
    3 replies

  • Dec 4, 2020

    i was basically that meme of the guy going from happy to sad for this

    "hell yeah baby yoda f*** em up"

    moff lets him continue

    "oh yeah wait this is not good"

  • Dec 4, 2020

    moff gideon about to kill Din at the end of the season just for baby yoda to force choke his ass to death and not take a nap after either this is called 💫✨~ g r o w t h ~✨💫

  • Dec 4, 2020

    Din Djarin assembling a super team

    Dank Farrick this show is the GOAT

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