All three of these songs are strong as f***
A Lonely Night
Party Monster
Starboy was always a great album. Most people acknowledge that. It was just those trilogy stans that cried about it
Starboy was always a great album. Most people acknowledge that. It was just those trilogy stans that cried about it
OG KTT during the whole rollout & aftermath of that album was rough
Starboy was always a great album. Most people acknowledge that. It was just those trilogy stans that cried about it
my dear melancholy fed the trilogy fans nicely tho
real ones hv starboy merch
Kind of amazing that any album can out stream Views the way people constantly go on about that Work-Controlla-One Dance summer on twitter every few days
It's pretty wild how many people like Starboy now.
That 10000% was not the case when it originally came out
Yeah I remember everyone hating on it
P3 was better than both albums. Criminally underrated by the mainstream.
i love pnd but
All three of these songs are strong as f***
I feel it coming my fav
It's because the hits from Starboy aged better.
kendrick d***eater talking about hits aging well
P3 was better than both albums. Criminally underrated by the mainstream.
Classic avi
P3 was better than both albums. Criminally underrated by the mainstream.
holy s***, i was not expecting to see my avi posted in here. this some inception
OG KTT during the whole rollout & aftermath of that album was rough
Actually I’m starting to remember that now. I’ve always felt that the stans s***ted on it the most tho and undeservedly ofc