  • Mar 25, 2024

    Hello it’s the one and only Billy Shears

    About Two years and two months ago I made this thread using an alt account

    It was a cry for help but after two years of failure I realize I need help.

    P*** addiction has caused many issues in my life and I’m ready to face the pain, shame, and consequences of my past to ensure a better today.

    I stopped watching p*** sometime last week, but starting today I’m going to focus on not watching p*** for one day, and then I’ll do that tomorrow. But today I didn’t watch p*** and that’s all I can control.

    I noticed I watch p***/smoke weed/drink alcohol when stressed, bored, lonely, sad, and h****. And, it’s got to a point where I can’t manage it, and become a full blown addiction.

    So when I’m stressed I’ll not mediate/pray and/or exercise

    When I’m bored I’ll reach out to friends and family to socialize

    I’ll do the same when lonely

    When I’m sad I’ll do something I enjoy, like taking a walk, calling a friend/family member, taking photos, etc.

    When I’m h**** I’ll masterbate without p*** or havesex with someone I’m in a healthy sexual relationship with.

    There’s a bunch of things I need to work on too, but this addiction is stopping me from reaching those goals in a healthy manner.

    I’m dedicating my life to being healthy!

  • Mar 25, 2024
    2 replies

    Any tips for Steps 5, 8, and 9?

  • Mar 25, 2024
    2 replies
    · edited

    Any tips for Steps 5, 8, and 9?

    where are the steps?

  • Mar 25, 2024

    where are the steps?

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Get the app called “center” it might be free still, and you can add sites to a black list (with some setup) so anytime you try to access the site, safari blocks you

    You can turn it off an on at will with the free version so you do need some self control, but sometimes seeing that first “safari can’t load this page” is enough to make you rethink your choice

    Edit: I don’t see it on the App Store anymore but I still have it on my phone, so maybe it got removed. But there are a ton of other safari blacklist apps you can use, and I’m sure they work the same

  • Mar 25, 2024

    where are the steps?

    Really meant steps 5,8,9 but

    Step 5: Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

    So pretty much tell someone about my addiction and asking for support

    8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

    9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

    So reach out to anyone that my addiction hurt and make amends

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    Get the app called “center” it might be free still, and you can add sites to a black list (with some setup) so anytime you try to access the site, safari blocks you

    You can turn it off an on at will with the free version so you do need some self control, but sometimes seeing that first “safari can’t load this page” is enough to make you rethink your choice

    Edit: I don’t see it on the App Store anymore but I still have it on my phone, so maybe it got removed. But there are a ton of other safari blacklist apps you can use, and I’m sure they work the same

    Dude thanks! This will help me on the days where I don’t have as much strength to stop myself

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Dude thanks! This will help me on the days where I don’t have as much strength to stop myself

    No problem! Sorry I had to add an edit, but there still are similar apps on the App Store so you can definitely still find one

    There’s also “limit adult content” built into phones now, so that may help as well

    I’ve struggled with p*** before as well, and those things really helped me kick the habit, and help me kick it again if I get caught back up

  • Mar 25, 2024
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    No problem! Sorry I had to add an edit, but there still are similar apps on the App Store so you can definitely still find one

    There’s also “limit adult content” built into phones now, so that may help as well

    I’ve struggled with p*** before as well, and those things really helped me kick the habit, and help me kick it again if I get caught back up

    Can you talk any improvements in your life after stopping?

    Want to built an “inventory of success stories” in my mind so I can stay positive about things

  • Mar 25, 2024
    2 replies

    Thought bro was on crack

    You’ll be aight just cut the Wi-Fi off

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Can you talk any improvements in your life after stopping?

    Want to built an “inventory of success stories” in my mind so I can stay positive about things

    Sure - so for me and why I stopped, I was having some sexual problems in my real life. I would either find it hard to get hard OR sexually aroused, or finish really fast, or have unrealistic expectations of myself or my partner. My s***drive was quite low.

    Additionally, I would feel really guilty after I did it, and then just be depressed for awhile after, and every time I remembered I did it I would feel depressed again

    After stopping, I started to feel a lot more confident sexually, my s***drive increased, and I have better erections and last longer as well. I will note I coupled this with focusing on the present moment and breath work, which also helps a lot during s***
    I also don’t have that guilt feeling anymore which is very welcome

    After I was confident again, I started to allow myself to masturbate but only to realistic images or scenarios in my head, or static images of realistic people. no over the top p*** scenes or anything unrealistic like that. Masturbation is generally healthy, after all. But this was after I kicked the habit for awhile - weeks to months

    There’s times where I have slipped up and got back into it, but if that does happen, I’m gentle with myself and remind myself of the tools I have at my disposal to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand again

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Can you talk any improvements in your life after stopping?

    Want to built an “inventory of success stories” in my mind so I can stay positive about things

    Also something that might go under the radar for you is content on social media. I found my IG was filled with fitness girls and other types of content that will funnel you into wanting to watch p***/masturbate. If you see this content, I would recommend actively manipulating your algorithm so it stops showing it

    Lucky, this is pretty easy to do (at least on IG), all you have to do it click the ellipses on the reel/image and click something along the lines of “show less of this”. Then actively open, save or like content that’s not related to the explicit images

    For example, I kept selecting “show me less of this” for all fitness girl / IG model accounts, and kept interacting with music, fashion, and video game images my algorithm showed me. This pretty much eradicated all that “porn funneling” content I didn’t want to see

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Yall see what no b****es does to a man

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    Sure - so for me and why I stopped, I was having some sexual problems in my real life. I would either find it hard to get hard OR sexually aroused, or finish really fast, or have unrealistic expectations of myself or my partner. My s***drive was quite low.

    Additionally, I would feel really guilty after I did it, and then just be depressed for awhile after, and every time I remembered I did it I would feel depressed again

    After stopping, I started to feel a lot more confident sexually, my s***drive increased, and I have better erections and last longer as well. I will note I coupled this with focusing on the present moment and breath work, which also helps a lot during s***
    I also don’t have that guilt feeling anymore which is very welcome

    After I was confident again, I started to allow myself to masturbate but only to realistic images or scenarios in my head, or static images of realistic people. no over the top p*** scenes or anything unrealistic like that. Masturbation is generally healthy, after all. But this was after I kicked the habit for awhile - weeks to months

    There’s times where I have slipped up and got back into it, but if that does happen, I’m gentle with myself and remind myself of the tools I have at my disposal to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand again

    Yeah that’s me

    I can’t wait until I’m better man.

    One day at time tho

    Thank you for sharing

  • Mar 25, 2024

    Yeah that’s me

    I can’t wait until I’m better man.

    One day at time tho

    Thank you for sharing

    No problem, you will get there 10000%! It’s completely reversible. But I know how daunting and isolating it can seem at first. if you stick with it and eliminate p***, you will notice a difference in due time. Just gotta get through that detox period

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Congrats on the new journey op you will succeed

  • Mar 25, 2024
    2 replies
    Young King

    Yall see what no b****es does to a man

    Dude I had issues when I HAD a girlfriend!!!!

    I was trying to get my girl to go to the gym so her ass would get bigger and she’d start to look like my favorite p***star

    I originally got with her because we had similar life goals, was focused on business, and I liked talking to her. She was smart, pretty, fit, healthy, and didn’t need to workout at all.

    But she didn’t look like my favorite p***star, so I told her to hit gym. She started to be insecure. She started acting out of character. I lost trust in her. She lost trust in me. We broke up.

    And when I have s***now I can barely keep my s*** up, and have a hard time busting. Girls keep saying “is it me?” Afterwards and they don’t believe me when I say it’s me and I can tell it REALLY hurts them. I don’t want to do that anymore.

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Any tips for Steps 5, 8, and 9?

    Get medicated for ADHD instead of struggling with controlling cravings for stimulation

  • Mar 25, 2024

    Thought bro was on crack

    You’ll be aight just cut the Wi-Fi off

  • Mar 25, 2024
    hot pancakes

    Also something that might go under the radar for you is content on social media. I found my IG was filled with fitness girls and other types of content that will funnel you into wanting to watch p***/masturbate. If you see this content, I would recommend actively manipulating your algorithm so it stops showing it

    Lucky, this is pretty easy to do (at least on IG), all you have to do it click the ellipses on the reel/image and click something along the lines of “show less of this”. Then actively open, save or like content that’s not related to the explicit images

    For example, I kept selecting “show me less of this” for all fitness girl / IG model accounts, and kept interacting with music, fashion, and video game images my algorithm showed me. This pretty much eradicated all that “porn funneling” content I didn’t want to see

    @OP get off social media. Stay off the NBA thread

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 25, 2024

    Thought bro was on crack

    You’ll be aight just cut the Wi-Fi off


  • Mar 25, 2024

    Dude I had issues when I HAD a girlfriend!!!!

    I was trying to get my girl to go to the gym so her ass would get bigger and she’d start to look like my favorite p***star

    I originally got with her because we had similar life goals, was focused on business, and I liked talking to her. She was smart, pretty, fit, healthy, and didn’t need to workout at all.

    But she didn’t look like my favorite p***star, so I told her to hit gym. She started to be insecure. She started acting out of character. I lost trust in her. She lost trust in me. We broke up.

    And when I have s***now I can barely keep my s*** up, and have a hard time busting. Girls keep saying “is it me?” Afterwards and they don’t believe me when I say it’s me and I can tell it REALLY hurts them. I don’t want to do that anymore.


  • Mar 25, 2024

    Dude I had issues when I HAD a girlfriend!!!!

    I was trying to get my girl to go to the gym so her ass would get bigger and she’d start to look like my favorite p***star

    I originally got with her because we had similar life goals, was focused on business, and I liked talking to her. She was smart, pretty, fit, healthy, and didn’t need to workout at all.

    But she didn’t look like my favorite p***star, so I told her to hit gym. She started to be insecure. She started acting out of character. I lost trust in her. She lost trust in me. We broke up.

    And when I have s***now I can barely keep my s*** up, and have a hard time busting. Girls keep saying “is it me?” Afterwards and they don’t believe me when I say it’s me and I can tell it REALLY hurts them. I don’t want to do that anymore.

    that second line is crazy

    it's good you're fighting your demons

    good luck

  • Mar 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Get medicated for ADHD instead of struggling with controlling cravings for stimulation

    There’s other possible causes, i wouldnt be so quick to jump to stimulants as a solution

  • Czy ⚔️
    Mar 25, 2024

    Just keep ur d*** in ur pants bro