It’s gonna be Legacy of kain remaster
Horizon legos
Horizon remaster
Days gone remaster
Ghost 2 very short teaser
ASSassins creed new trailer
Helldivers update from a week ago trailer
Maybe Spider-Man 2 dlc probably not
Silent hills 2 trailer
Death stranding 2 trailer
It’s gonna be Legacy of kain remaster
Horizon legos
Horizon remaster
Days gone remaster
Ghost 2 very short teaser
ASSassins creed new trailer
Helldivers update from a week ago trailer
Maybe Spider-Man 2 dlc probably not
Silent hills 2 trailer
Death stranding 2 trailer
No way we see Ghost 2
It’s gonna be Legacy of kain remaster
Horizon legos
Horizon remaster
Days gone remaster
Ghost 2 very short teaser
ASSassins creed new trailer
Helldivers update from a week ago trailer
Maybe Spider-Man 2 dlc probably not
Silent hills 2 trailer
Death stranding 2 trailer
if its that many remasters yall will get cooked
Damn they may really be showing RE9 according to this video. Grain of salt of course but we'll see
Damn they may really be showing RE9 according to this video. Grain of salt of course but we'll see
! the most sense, 8 and 4 Remake were both announced during State of Plays, and Capcom has shown they like to reveal their newer RE’s relatively close to their release (around 6 months or so).
Makes the most sense, 8 and 4 Remake were both announced during State of Plays, and Capcom has shown they like to reveal their newer RE’s relatively close to their release (around 6 months or so).
Capcom done really got on they s***. Yeah, a lot of people didn't like 5 or 6. They were fine to me but I see why many fans weren't too fond of them. But they didn't go the Ubisoft route and let the franchise just tank (I don't think far cry and AC tanked but many people do and I get it). They fixed RE franchise. Gameplay and quality wise everything for the most part after 6 has been top tier. Not only that, but they crank these games out now a lot faster. Re 3 originally came out in 1999 and Re4 didn't drop until 2005. Then Re5 didn't drop until 2009. Nowadays it seems like we get a new re game like every 2 years and the quality has been amazing. I know 3make apparently wasn't perfect and some people didn't like 8 as much as 7 but even still the quality has been there. Goes to show they took their biggest franchise going downhill serious and fixed it. Other studios can definitely take notes.
I still need to play resident evil 8 and 4 Remake I’ve been slacking. Need to keep an eye on deals
DS2 exists
you want the only game coming to PS5 as their lead game for 2025 to be a game eventually and soon coming to xbox consoles, pc and mobile?
Death Stranding is a dope artsy game dont get me wrong but carrying the entire first party year? are you insane ?
you want the only game coming to PS5 as their lead game for 2025 to be a game eventually and soon coming to xbox consoles, pc and mobile?
DS2 isnt coming to Xbox brudda.
Niggas said the same s*** about 2024 and then they announced what would be the highest reviewed game of the year 4 months before release. As always, patience.
This is forum brained thinking, btw. Niggas dont care about what "the lead first party title is" for the next year. Third party as always is the biggest draw. Xbox is a non-factor for most people. MH Wilds and RE9 are likely coming next year and those games will be huge.
DS2 isnt coming to Xbox brudda.
Niggas said the same s*** about 2024 and then they announced what would be the highest reviewed game of the year 4 months before release. As always, patience.
This is forum brained thinking, btw. Niggas dont care about what "the lead first party title is" for the next year. Third party as always is the biggest draw. Xbox is a non-factor for most people. MH Wilds and RE9 are likely coming next year and those games will be huge.
I am saying a state of play and to help justify a pro purchase or not playing a pc or xbox build of the same game. I agree it is forum brained.
The Last of Us Part 1 Remastered Remake confirmed