Ah I see. Any idea when that would’ve happened?
man activision was planning to sell they asked everyone for offers including NVIDIA
you openly know Sony tried to buy starfield exclusivity before Bethesda deal but think Sony wanting Call of Duty for themselves with a company they already had exclusive marketing deals and favorable dlc cuts is a stretch?
Microsoft was planning it for a while....
again i don't just be talking I back it up but all you guys often have to respond is "condom eyes lol " yeah I choose that avy you didn't choose to be a dumbass
I was asking a genuine question, gd. It doesn’t make sense for Sony to have tried to buy ABK in 2021, there was feasibly no way they would have had the finances to entertain that
You think Sony just casually bought Bungie out of nowhere too ?
Forgot Sony even bought these dudes
I was asking a genuine question, gd. It doesn’t make sense for Sony to have tried to buy ABK in 2021, there was feasibly no way they would have had the finances to entertain that
-- And then he wonders why 1. Why nobody asks him s***. 2. Nobody cares about his opinion. & 3. Why he consistently gets s***ted on here lmao
I love it.
A nigga testing games can't tell me s***. Point blank, period & end of story. I do not care.
Bro is a fan. Like the rest of yall. Once ya'll accept it your experience here will be a lot better & his posts/crashouts(That never change anybody's mind btw) will just be funny to you.
Guy's been made a fool of way too many times here & wants people to take him serious. He doesn't even own/play half the damn games he's on here ranting about. He'll say he doesn't care but his actions say otherwise lol
It's all in jest. The alternative is taking him serious and that's just silliness
A nigga testing games can't tell me s***. Point blank, period & end of story. I do not care.
Bro is a fan. Like the rest of yall. Once ya'll accept it your experience here will be a lot better & his posts/crashouts(That never change anybody's mind btw) will just be funny to you.
Guy's been made a fool of way too many times here & wants people to take him serious. He doesn't even own/play half the damn games he's on here ranting about. He'll say he doesn't care but his actions say otherwise lol
It's all in jest. The alternative is taking him serious and that's just silliness
glad you cant read the paragraphs that have nothing to do with testing and articles attached
glad you cant read the paragraphs that have nothing to do with testing and articles attached
I was asking a genuine question, gd. It doesn’t make sense for Sony to have tried to buy ABK in 2021, there was feasibly no way they would have had the finances to entertain that
But they had the finances to buy Bungie in a non exclusive deal and give the entire staff bonuses to retain them right
Do you realize how much Sony spends on timed exclusives or s*** like Concord that they would have loved to just go to an establish series. There was talk a the time of buying just call of duty and NOT all of activision and their studios
this sony doesnt have the money when ps3, ps4, ps5 and ps2 all had record sales with some of them making profit at launch just gets kind of silly
Do you realize how much Sony spends on timed exclusives or s*** like Concord that they would have loved to just go to an establish series. There was talk a the time of buying just call of duty and NOT all of activision and their studios
this sony doesnt have the money when ps3, ps4, ps5 and ps2 all had record sales with some of them making profit at launch just gets kind of silly
Bro there was maybe a dozen companies on earth that had the cash to complete that ABK deal, and Sony was NOWHERE close. Microsoft is as big as 25 Sony’s put together
Bro there was maybe a dozen companies on earth that had the cash to complete that ABK deal, and Sony was NOWHERE close. Microsoft is as big as 25 Sony’s put together
you read the paragraph where I said "they wanted to buy specifically the call of duty property and not all of activision" then typed this dumb s***.
Can you read.
Call of Duty just the IP is valued at 31 billion
Sony paid 3.6 Billion for Bungie no exclusivity
and has paid for many timed exclusives some you know about some that you do not
"Sony's PlayStation 5 has become its most profitable console, generating $106 billion in revenue"
stop quoting me acting like Sony is poor
Xbox nearly shutdown after Xbox One
they dont have the full budget of microsoft
Call of Duty just the IP is valued at 31 billion
Sony paid 3.6 Billion for Bungie no exclusivity
and has paid for many timed exclusives some you know about some that you do not
"Sony's PlayStation 5 has become its most profitable console, generating $106 billion in revenue"
stop quoting me acting like Sony is poor
Xbox nearly shutdown after Xbox One
they dont have the full budget of microsoft
And PlayStation doesnt have the full budget of Sony. Sony has cash reserves of $12b , so they would have needed to sell off $18b or 1/6th of the entire company just to buy Call Of Duty if for some reason activision decided they wanted to get rid of their money printer. Sony is absolutely poor in comparison to MS. In fact, Microsoft is closer to buying Sony than Sony was to buying ABK from a financial point of view, of course that would never go through because of antitrust law, but that goes to show you the disparity of scale between these two companies.
I wish you had stayed off this site man, seems like this s*** stresses you out. I genuinely hope the best for you
And PlayStation doesnt have the full budget of Sony. Sony has cash reserves of $12b , so they would have needed to sell off $18b or 1/6th of the entire company just to buy Call Of Duty if for some reason activision decided they wanted to get rid of their money printer. Sony is absolutely poor in comparison to MS. In fact, Microsoft is closer to buying Sony than Sony was to buying ABK from a financial point of view, of course that would never go through because of antitrust law, but that goes to show you the disparity of scale between these two companies.
I wish you had stayed off this site man, seems like this s*** stresses you out. I genuinely hope the best for you
you think these companies are outright paying the full amount in cash at time of purchase. THEY WERENT GOING TO BUY ALL OF ACTIVISION.
As its been explained to you multiple times. THEY PLACED A BID ON THE CALL OF DUTY IP
The IP and all the companies who have worked on the IP are two separate things as is the engine and technology used to create it .
When you break it down if they would have been allowed to break it down it wouldnt have charged them everything
But when microsoft dumbass wants all of ABK especially candy crush for the microtransaction profits that is way more alluring to activision than selling one IP
otherwise they would have been sold so many of their IP piece meal
"I " I wish you stayed off this site, it stresses you out"
nah you just genuinely do not know what you are talking about
"Microsoft is closer to buying sony than buying ABK"
you think these companies are outright paying the full amount in cash at time of purchase. THEY WERENT GOING TO BUY ALL OF ACTIVISION.
As its been explained to you multiple times. THEY PLACED A BID ON THE CALL OF DUTY IP
The IP and all the companies who have worked on the IP are two separate things as is the engine and technology used to create it .
When you break it down if they would have been allowed to break it down it wouldnt have charged them everything
But when microsoft dumbass wants all of ABK especially candy crush for the microtransaction profits that is way more alluring to activision than selling one IP
otherwise they would have been sold so many of their IP piece meal
"I " I wish you stayed off this site, it stresses you out"
nah you just genuinely do not know what you are talking about
"Microsoft is closer to buying sony than buying ABK"
Sony wasn’t and isn’t big enough to buy activision, OR call of duty. If they had enough money they probably would have tried, as any bloodsucking corporation would, but they don’t. That bungie purchase was about as big an acquisition as they could have made. I’m not talking to you about this anymore
Sony wasn’t and isn’t big enough to buy activision, OR call of duty. If they had enough money they probably would have tried, as any bloodsucking corporation would, but they don’t. That bungie purchase was about as big an acquisition as they could have made. I’m not talking to you about this anymore
argue with yourself brother I wasnt really asking your opinion.
you cant agree to disagree if I literally break down to you how something could work and why they placed a bid and you just keep going
Sony wasn’t and isn’t big enough to buy activision, OR call of duty. If they had enough money they probably would have tried, as any bloodsucking corporation would, but they don’t. That bungie purchase was about as big an acquisition as they could have made. I’m not talking to you about this anymore
"Bobby Kotick: The most important is — it’s funny, you and I were talking about AI last time — as you look at the increased competition between Tencent, and NetEase, and Sony, and now you have Google and Amazon, and Apple, and Facebook, and Microsoft and Netflix. We were looking at over the course of the next couple of years, and starting to realize that we need thousands of people to be able to execute against our production plans. We need them in disciplines like AI and machine learning, or in data a***ytics, or in purpose-built cloud and cybersecurity — and that we just don’t have. And that competition for that talent is expensive, and really hard to come by."
all of the companies listed considered
if you had been paying any amount of attention you would knwo this
but sure keep going
as I have been saying people were not expecting microsoft to pay the crazy amount or even the estimated 31 billion WHEN CALL OF DUTY IS ON THE DOWN TURN and developers keep leaving
similar to Elon buying Twitter for the price he did