  • Nov 14, 2019

    You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps.

    So how shocked are you all that Trump not only would employ this piece of human trash in the first place, but also continue to employ him after this leak?

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply


  • Nov 14, 2019
    3 replies

    His legacy will be caged kids and wearing the fake hair, rest in hell stephen

  • We've known that since 2016 dude . He's said things like this publicly the emails are underwhelming compared to the stuff he's said on record/re-stated from people he conversed with imo

  • Magician

    His legacy will be caged kids and wearing the fake hair, rest in hell stephen


  • Nov 14, 2019

    Gotdamn yall still finding ways to get mad at this senile orange f***. Who cares just impeach his ass already so MFs will stop complaining about him 24/7 this s*** got boring after the first two years

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    His legacy will be caged kids and wearing the fake hair, rest in hell stephen

    don't forget this

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Honestly who gives a f***. If you’re black or Hispanic, you should know what’s up. Y’all are too indoctrinated into this system to remove yourself even when it’s in your best interest.

    Unless they’re talking about martial law or the economy crashin, none of what these people do nor think shouldn’t have any merit in your lives.

    F*** corporate America, build your own world.

  • Nov 14, 2019

    His legacy will be caged kids and wearing the fake hair, rest in hell stephen

    Him, Obama, Clinton’s etc. they all did the same thing.

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Damn how much longer can you guys Cape for the pedocrats

  • Nov 14, 2019

    don't forget this

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Imagine linking the splc only syn man syn is a white man linking a racist and sexist organization and I dont find that funny at all. To top it off Tina chen is linked to them

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Damn how much longer can you guys Cape for the pedocrats

    Dems b like “I wish I had an uncle like Uncle Joe”

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Dems b like “I wish I had an uncle like Uncle Joe”

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    kanyezus once again can never stay on topic

  • Nov 14, 2019

    we went from protesting vietnam to protesting n bombs
    i hate you all

  • Nov 14, 2019

    miller may be a d*** and maybe some of this is valid to a degree but there are some serious reaches in this article

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Honestly who gives a f***. If you’re black or Hispanic, you should know what’s up. Y’all are too indoctrinated into this system to remove yourself even when it’s in your best interest.

    Unless they’re talking about martial law or the economy crashin, none of what these people do nor think shouldn’t have any merit in your lives.

    F*** corporate America, build your own world.


  • Nov 14, 2019

    Fukk Trump and his racist sycophants

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    kanyezus once again can never stay on topic

    you linked to a racist and sexist organization

  • Nov 14, 2019

    you linked to a racist and sexist organization

    so emails dont matter now

  • F*** Stephen Miller, Trump all day tho

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Where is his KTT account though

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Where is his KTT account though

    its actually troy ave stan

  • Nov 14, 2019

    lol SPLC