I know absolutely nobody irl or online that I’m cool with that knows this song or really even him. I know he’s from the internet, but that’s it. This blow up feels so inorganic honestly.
Man why do y'all always say this? Who gives a s*** what the people you or I personally know listen to? Think of how many people you know and interact with daily, then go look at his monthly listeners or whatever metric you like to follow. It's silly as hell to make that statement. Lol
He made a catchy relatable song that the kids could tik tok to and the kids are FOLLOWERS, so it blew up. Voila.
Anyways this is why Sunshine should be the #1 single
Anyways this is why Helmet should be the #1 single
James Blake was right.
TikTok really ruining music.
It was true long before that
Anybody w a brain been saying this f*** tiktok it has brought nothing but destruction to society
China war tactic
I WISH I KNEW the lyrics
That f***ing white b**** saying “I’m sorry I don’t know the words” or something like that, in that tone of voice like she was being funny and quirky got me so heated for no reason. Like it’s not a big deal, but she just so dumb and shallow and will never see consequences for it
Also, I feel bad for Lacy more than anything else. It would be demoralizing for me as an artist to finally start packing out shows, only for people to not even care enough to know the words to my biggest song
sounds like you hate weemen but I feel u
People don’t be doing them and instead try and ride the wave
Remember when Ktt put him as better than Tory Lanez?
Tory Is borderline garbage now
Lol the 8 seconds of the beginning thats probably what's viral on tiktok is the besf part of the song and even that part gets so boring and annoying as the song keeps going.
Happy for hia success tho. Wish he was independent
tbh i have a hard time remembering ALL the lyrics off-rip to the songs i’ve listened to, even the ones i’ve heard a thousand times since childhood. but when i’m actually listening to the song, it comes back and i know it all. but when i try to sing spur of the moment, i can’t keep track lol. i always know the melody though
having said that, i do remember those days of reading album booklets for the first time and being mindblown actually seeing the lyrics. i remember using my moms computer for the first time and looking up song lyric videos on youtube, writing them in my journal and taking it to school. haha those were the days
Sounds like the fans know the words just fine
video from op was manufactured to press the fans into learning the lyrics so now they can record new tiktoks saying 'see we did knew the lyrics' which will work as viral marketing for steve lacy
it was all planned along
Sounds like the fans know the words just fine
Thread quieter than the video in op now
No one in the real world knows Frank Ocean so possibly