Funny coming from a bum who deadass said hiphop is all the "devil's music". You're disgusting fam. Log you ass out and plz refrain from sayin "nigga", you prolly the same color as my fridge, f***in clown
Have u checked stefan's twitter recently?
It's literally just him spreading anti-semetic conspiracy theories and talking about blacks having low IQ. Man is mask off racist
other dude informed me which is why i didnt reply to your other post my b bro.
Crowder might not be a Nazi, but he's still one of those right wing dumb f***s who thrives on being inflammatory, and when they get called out they cower and claim it's a joke (i.e, selling a shirt that implies it says "fags", but since it is censored he says it's just "figs". Figures like Crowder are disingenuous as hell and act like they're know-it-alls.
keyboard warriors man, stop talkin like you hard its ktt. "high school" cornball
not the best of people but def not neo nazis lmaoo
molymeme is literally a race realist
ktt2 off to a bad start if we having 10pg threads about this dude
Race Realist =/= Racist
would you consider yourself a "race realist"?
would you consider yourself a "race realist"?
Dont that just mean theres differences between races? If it do mean that then sure, yeah. I mean, ive seen how white people get in the sun
Dont that just mean theres differences between races? If it do mean that then sure, yeah. I mean, ive seen how white people get in the sun
anime avatar and this
just say the IQ thing
steven is a jack ass
sad he has to pay people to laugh at his jokes
grown men nervously laughing for a pay check
crazy steven talks so much s*** but he won't debate left wing people on youtube cause his dad won't let him cause he thinks they'd own him
he thinks he's a good debater but he's only ever debated 19 years in college much like Ben Shaprio